U.S. Congress secretly passes National Defense Authorization Act.

Even if he vetoes, will that change the mind of ANY of the senators, you do need only 2/3rds majority after a veto, and that is quite a bit more than 2/3.
Well, if he's smart he'll pull a card that hasn't been played since forever.....the referendum.

For those of you not in the know:
1. A general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.
2. The process of referring a political question to the electorate for this purpose.

1. All the people entitled to vote in an election.


Obama needs to get the people to vote on this one, it's just too big of a deal. You all need to hit the streets YESTERDAY and demand a referendum. Write letters to your damned government, march on your local offices, and STAY INFORMED.
Although we aren't in as big a shit pit as we were with Dubyah in charge, Obama has let the country down on over 75% of his promises he made when he was elected into office. True the government needs a re-structuring but Obama hasn't been keeping up on his end of the deal either.
This country has a million different problems and nobody seems too keen on cleaning up the mess.
Obama is just a figurehead. The only way he gets REAL power is if he declares a National Emergency and dissolves Congress. Otherwise, he needs the backing of Congress, which he hasn't had on 75% of his promises. You want to see shit get done by the President? Make sure the rest of your government is on his side. Don't blame Obama for being the unfortunate scapegoat of the rest of the governing body's issues.
A few nights ago, Congress passed a bill (with a 93-7 vote, none abstaining. Some senators even urged to limit the debate and move straight to the vote) that authorizes the U.S. Military to detain, torture, even assassinate American citizens on U.S. soil - worse, with no trial or lawyer. They need only ACCUSE someone of being anti-government or being connected to terrorism. This could apply to nearly everyone - including peaceful protesters.



Where'd you get the 93 for - 7 against numbers?
Let's see, this violates the:
1st amendment, freedom of speech
4th amendment, protection from unreasonable search and seizure
6th amendment, right to a fair and speedy trial
7th amendment, trial by a civil jury
8th amendment, protection from cruel and unusual punishment
9th amendment, protection of rights not specified in the Constitution
14th amendment, right to counsel
and then I got tired of looking this shit up.

That's 3/5 of the Bill of rights that this act either directly or indirectly affects and violtes. The fact that they passed this secretly is just appalling. The ONLY thing good Iread in those articles is that Obama is threatining to veto it. If he doesn't, just one more reason NOT to vote for him for re-election.
Let's see, this violates the:
1st amendment, freedom of speech
4th amendment, protection from unreasonable search and seizure
6th amendment, right to a fair and speedy trial
7th amendment, trial by a civil jury
8th amendment, protection from cruel and unusual punishment
9th amendment, protection of rights not specified in the Constitution
14th amendment, right to counsel
and then I got tired of looking this shit up.

That's 3/5 of the Bill of rights that this act either directly or indirectly affects and violtes. The fact that they passed this secretly is just appalling. The ONLY thing good Iread in those articles is that Obama is threatining to veto it. If he doesn't, just one more reason NOT to vote for him for re-election.
With that many things violating the constitution, you'd think it would just end there with the Supreme Court just saying "Uhhh, no"
With that many things violating the constitution, you'd think it would just end there with the Supreme Court just saying "Uhhh, no"
Seriously, the USofA has taken Capitalism to it's most practical extreme.

And the Supreme Court is the best at what they do....
Self defense. Depending where you are its harder to own one. Unless you're in hickland, you can't just be like "herpaderp I'm gonna get a bunch of guns!"

And that's why you stay out of hickland.
self defense my ass, how can you protect things with something that's designed to kill?