U.S. Congress secretly passes National Defense Authorization Act.

UN-CONSTITUTIONAL. This is a disgrace! This is the worst president, and congress, and justice system in history.
But, to tell you the truth it was that way when Abraham Lincoln was in office.

True that, my friend. Suspension of habeas corpus.

The main difference between Lincoln's time and ours is that the Confederates fought in uniforms.

We're dealing with a different animal now.
And I'm so glad to see so many members here talking about serious topics for once. It's quite refreshing.
The Minecraft Survival server is down, and a lot of people are having trouble accessing Classic. When all else fails, get serious.
Habeas corpus means "you can have your body." If they take that away, I'll have to go live in StTheo's body. :eek:

Back on topic.

There should be rioting in the streets right now. It has been 86 minutes since this thread was posted and I still see no hint of rioting. WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLE????
Waiting for survival to restart. Also watching a beautiful girl play Skyrim.
What would The Supreme Court have to do if they passed the bill?
>implying they would ever pass the bill

I say this because, hopefully, they, unlike the Senate, would realize that this bill violates most of the Bill of Rights.
Umm, the Supreme Court cannot pass bills, only the House and the Senate. If it passes both of those, it goes to the President for confirmation. If vetoed, goes back for deliberation in Congress, this time requiring a 2/3 majority.
Oh, dear Godbeard. First, threatening American censorship on the Internet, now we have this?!
I'm scared again. Is it too late to call shenanigans and/or bullsh*t?

Do you guys have room in Canadia, or maybe someplace warmer?