U.S. Congress secretly passes National Defense Authorization Act.


Hickland wouldn't be as large if not for^
Self defense. Depending where you are its harder to own one. Unless you're in hickland, you can't just be like "herpaderp I'm gonna get a bunch of guns!"

And that's why you stay out of hickland.
I live in Hickland and its not AS easy to get a gun as that.

And most people around these parts aren't stupid with something like a gun. Knives on the other hand... theres been far more injuries with those...
but at the same time everyone can be like: i want to harm someone, i'll buy a weapon ;)
it's all going in a circle
Erm, doesn't work that way...
Also, people usually don't want a -licensed- weapon to use in a crime.

"I'll use this gun so it can be traced right back to me and I can get arrested! WOOOO!"
That church is messed up.
That's not a Baptist Church. They've been kicked out of the Baptist conventions worldwide, and with good cause. There's a copyright infringement lawsuit being prepared against them as we speak, the true Baptists want their name struck from that church.
now the topic is about the US goverment in general, i'm wondering:
why the F are guns allowed there :confused:

The 2nd Amendment (The Right to Bear Arms) and the 3rd Amendment (No Quartering of Troops in Civilian Homes) of our Bill of Rights are vestiges of our revolutionary days, when our nation was wary of foreign intrusion (invasion from a foreign power) or domestic oppression (Federal authority encroaching into States).

From our experience with British colonialism, we resented the idea that British troops can coerce colonists into compliance through the force of arms. So by extension, the 2nd Amendment gives States the right to have armed militias as a deterrence against encroachment from the National government.

The 2nd Amendment was supposed to be a STATE level function, not an individual one. But a broad interpretation of the Constitution apparently says that regular civilians are entitled to guns.

Personally, I think debates over the 2nd Amendment here should be avoided. We got enough problems as is.

And I'm so glad to see so many members here talking about serious topics for once. It's quite refreshing.
Let's see, this violates the:
1st amendment, freedom of speech
4th amendment, protection from unreasonable search and seizure
6th amendment, right to a fair and speedy trial
7th amendment, trial by a civil jury
8th amendment, protection from cruel and unusual punishment
9th amendment, protection of rights not specified in the Constitution
14th amendment, right to counsel
and then I got tired of looking this shit up.

That's 3/5 of the Bill of rights that this act either directly or indirectly affects and violtes. The fact that they passed this secretly is just appalling. The ONLY thing good Iread in those articles is that Obama is threatining to veto it. If he doesn't, just one more reason NOT to vote for him for re-election.
Yes. That one!
:( this is also bad because some army people are... you know, have like PTS and stuff.. It's gonna be terrible if this is gonna happen.
First of all, Westboro Baptist Church isn't actually a church - it's a family of brainwashed attention whores that 99% of America hates. Second of all, lack of gun control in America is exaggerated - except the section of America that the rest of America disassociates ourselves from.
I might go and get the military's attention and ... appeal my case ... and take it to the supreme court ... and not sue them because I'm a good person ... and then they would repeal the law.
Also, there has not been a single thread derailment ... with 3 pages ... that's quite something!
And now that you say that, someone'll post something off topic.