Voltz Server

You were the one causing that lag. kbai.
Actually, Squishy & his town were the ones flying through 50k of ungenerated chunks. The lag only started after they started their unnecessarily long journey. I went into the nether for a few seconds after it started lagging to hell, because squishy claimed that the nether wasn't working.
Ok so, this is my current letter of resignation.

I, Top, being of sound mind anf blubber,

Hereby request that I be removed from the whitelist until the polarization of Squish and everyone and Sas, gets settled once and for all. Until further notice, I ask that my things be left untouch, and if Gurw or one the mods takes a screenshot of my items. (Mostly because I can't really connect to the server.)

Until shit gets settled,

Miguel aka Top_Of_The_World.

EDIT: Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus!
Actually, Squishy & his town were the ones flying through 50k of ungenerated chunks. The lag only started after they started their unnecessarily long journey. I went into the nether for a few seconds after it started lagging to hell, because squishy claimed that the nether wasn't working.
The memory leak started before they started making the trip. Someone went into the nether during that time, and you were the only one that I could find that used a portal. Regardless, I have previously tested that trip on several occasions, and it has never lagged the server out. Most likely it was a combination of the nether memory leak and the chunk loading. The trip was necessary due to the memory leak causing crashes which reset the teleporters. In any case, I happen to know that nether chunks are almost always laggier than overworld.

And for the record, those chunks have already been generated, they were merely being loaded. As I've said, I've made that trip several times.
The memory leak started before they started making the trip. Someone went into the nether during that time, and you were the only one that I could find that used a portal. Regardless, I have previously tested that trip on several occasions, and it has never lagged the server out. Most likely it was a combination of the nether memory leak and the chunk loading. The trip was necessary due to the memory leak causing crashes which reset the teleporters. In any case, I happen to know that nether chunks are almost always laggier than overworld.

And for the record, those chunks have already been generated, they were merely being loaded. As I've said, I've made that trip several times.

For some reason I find it much easier and less laggy traveling through the nether than traveling the 50k blocks. However, if you have no idea where a portal is I can see there being an issue in using the nether in the first place.
Server will be down for at least 24hours while I attempt to remove whatever entities are breaking it. kthxbai
How much experience you have with the modpack: None, but I did play tekkit for a few months
What parts of the modpack you are specifically interested in: Everything?
If there are any portions of the modpack you'd like to see specifically disabled (assuming they are able to be disabled): nope
If PvP is a thing you like (I ask because, well, plasma guns and missiles): Yes
Any other compatible mods you'd like to see added on to the server: Nothing
Any Bukkit Plugins you'd like to see: N/A
Your IGN: Pasaria
The entity removal appears to have completed. As soon as I get back to camp I'll plug the world in and see if it blows up.
He lives in Utah and has his own Mormon following, they live in a "camp" and share everything. They have a large storage of weapons for the end of the world and electricity in only 1 building with tunnels dug for moving from building to building without being seen.
I am interested in the T9K voltz server. I do not have very much experience with voltz although I have been doing research on the topic. I am very interesed in the atomic enegy pack, and the advanced weaponry packs. If there was one modpack that I would like to see disabled it would have to be fluid mechanics, because I feel even though it is useful it is not worth all the work that goes into it. Pvp does not matter to me because the positives and the negatives both outweigh each other. I do not think that any other mods should be added to voltz because it is so packed full of them that anymore might confuse people although it would be great to see more atomic capabilitys in the atomic energy pack. And for bukkit plugins i do not know what those are

IGN: Elacerator
Not sure if vouching will help.... But idc VOUCH! :p
Hey Gurw any plan on making an Aether II server?
If you were in Mumble right now, you'd know I have full intentions on setting up at least 5 other modded servers :)

Also, server is back up. Whitelisting will occur over the next few hours.
Server will be down for at least 24hours while I attempt to remove whatever entities are breaking it. kthxbai

I believe you entity clearing has killed every existent passive animal in the game. Included are, but not limited to: villagers, sheep and cows.