Web.Rebuild Discussion


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The forums and overall site may be slow or broken at times within the next few weeks or months. This is the official thread to chronicle your issues, reactions, screenshots, and feedback.
You've commented briefly on the subject before, but will the "issue" addressed Here be looked at in any manner during the Web.Rebuild process? It's not really important, however some feedback would be nice.
Profile messages, statuses, message and like counts will likely all be removed.
New things today:

System wide header redesign
Site-wide search is no longer terrible

You can now use the search bar to search for anything -- users, blog posts, threads, wiki articles, etc. It will no longer be incredible slow and annoying, and it will no longer make you want to cry with bad relevance.
I also notice that the names under our avatars are too light. sometimes I have to select to see who posted if I don't recognize their avatar.. small cosmetic thing but it does make a difference