Web.Rebuild Discussion

I don't think it's the resolution. It's there for me, but I notice it goes away when you scroll on Firefox since I have noscript on that.

Moondoggy, does the browser you use have noscript on it or something similar?

Ah, I'm using chrome so as you say it may differ due to browsers.
I'm not certain that this is related to web.rebuild, but this post is showing up with the wrong date on tapatalk. Shows up fine in the browser.


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It was my understanding that the floating bar up top didn't float, or was a smaller bar floating when on small resolutions. Noscript may also be a factor in this...
I don't think it's the resolution. It's there for me, but I notice it goes away when you scroll on Firefox since I have noscript on that.

Moondoggy, does the browser you use have noscript on it or something similar?

Maybe. It only affected me at work. It seems to have been fixed. The problem is that my company still uses IE8, and there doesn't seem to be any sign of changing that anytime soon. So when I'm at work, if anything is derped, I'm usually SOL.
Maybe. It only affected me at work. It seems to have been fixed. The problem is that my company still uses IE8, and there doesn't seem to be any sign of changing that anytime soon. So when I'm at work, if anything is derped, I'm usually SOL.

I actually but a bit of work recently into supporting IE8 minimally and removing it from our "officially unsupported" browser list. Things will probably still look terrible, but everything should at least work.

IE6 on the other hand...
Die in a fire IE6. What are you using to QA different browsers? I've found Spoon.net to be pretty good, IE's built in browser modes don't always reflect the end result.
When you click on someone's username in a thread, the top part of the window is still hidden by the fixed header that moves with the top of the screen.

In case it matters...

Browser: Safari
Resolution: 1440x900

Screen Shot 2013-05-07 at 11.54.22 PM.png
When you click on someone's username in a thread, the top part of the window is still hidden by the fixed header that moves with the top of the screen.

In case it matters...

Browser: Safari
Resolution: 1440x900

View attachment 139562

This happens with chrome as well.

Browser: Google Chrome
Resolution: ???

Edit: This doesn't happen when making the browser window smaller.