What dead, presumed dead, and / or extinct game series you want back?

Ah, I never got the hang of it either. I'm pretty sure SMAC/Civ forums would be better help.


I think there's also a bug with my copy because I'd always get into conflicts with a faction and whenever their leader contacts me to call a truce and I accept, it keeps selecting the war option. I wind up fighting them to the death.
speaking of Civ, you played 5 yet? Specifically the online multiplayer.

Shinobi, the remake wasn't that bad...

more words

It took me 8 solid months to beat the shinobi remake for the ps2....it was like taking the dificulty of Ninja Gaiden and turning it up to eleven.

also, they should do a HD remake of Time Crisis....at least the multiplayer....mostly because you could play as a tiny monkey and duel weild tommy guns.
also, they should do a HD remake of Time Crisis....at least the multiplayer....mostly because you could play as a tiny monkey and duel weild tommy guns.

Are you confusing Time Crisis with TimeSplitters? Because Time Crisis is the arcade cabinets shooter, and I know for a fact you could dual wield tommy guns as a tiny monkey in TimeSplitters 2.

And there was an HD release of Time Crisis a few years ago on PSN I believe. Although, I don't remember people thinking highly of it.
Warcraft has so much more potential as an RTS than what they've done for it. As an ardent follower of Warcraft lore, I know for a fact that they can very well make a solid game based off the War of the Ancients, as well as post WC3:Frozen Throne (Which would roughly be the WoW period). At least 2 solid games could be created.

Also, rather than games, I've been yearning for Blizzard to make film adaptations for their icon games. Apparently Warcraft will be getting a movie sometime in 2015, after almost 8 years since the idea to make a movie started lol.