What dead, presumed dead, and / or extinct game series you want back?

Dat unnecessary rage. I, personally, would like to see more in the way of story for Portal.
Chell left Aperture Science to go venture the Combine infested world. The most you will get out of Portal is a cameo by Chell and maybe Gordon getting the Portal gun in Half Life 3.
Chell left Aperture Science to go venture the Combine infested world. The most you will get out of Portal is a cameo by Chell and maybe Gordon getting the Portal gun in Half Life 3.
And why do you think he wants it to come back? -_- As you've just stated, the series is presumed 'dead', which is the point of this thread. Think before speaking next time, kthx.

Besides, Valve's working not only on another Portal game, but Half-Life 2: Episode 3 at this time.
Are you confusing Time Crisis with TimeSplitters? Because Time Crisis is the arcade cabinets shooter, and I know for a fact you could dual wield tommy guns as a tiny monkey in TimeSplitters 2.

And there was an HD release of Time Crisis a few years ago on PSN I believe. Although, I don't remember people thinking highly of it.
TIMESPLITTERS 2 WAS THE SHIT! i love the fucking little dart that you could shoot into people and they would swell up and become huge and then explode! hhahaa oh my god so many good memories with that game. Yes please.
TIMESPLITTERS 2 WAS THE SHIT! i love the fucking little dart that you could shoot into people and they would swell up and become huge and then explode! hhahaa oh my god so many good memories with that game. Yes please.

I loved throwing trigger mines onto my friends and forcing them to be my slaves muhahahaha.
I always played Nanosaur as a kid on our chunky iMac. And though it has already been said, the old spyro. I had a spyro game for the gamecube. Forgot what it was called, but you had to rescue dragonflies or something like that. Damn they were annoying "zzzz ! ZZ z ZZZ zzzz"
seriously. I had a frogger game for my gameboy advance that I miss alot too.


When I was little, There was a kids' computer section at the local library the next town over. I always played this game where you had to collect stars or something and had to 2 blue humans. A girl and a boy. I really dont remember what it was called <.>
not sure if someone this but i would love to see a Bloodrayne 3 i still go back to Bloodrayne 2 sometime's.
still my Fav game of all time.
I don't think I've said it yet but

My favorite Star Wars game of all time.
Jak and Daxter Series created by naughty dog. Possibly my favourite game on the ps2
and I would love to see a Star Wars battlefront 3 come out. But sadly that's not going to happen :(
Jak and Daxter, that game was my childhood, and I was just about to suggest it :p Jak and Daxter is definitely my favourite game series of all time.
i wish project aces would came out with better ace combat games, ace combat 5 and ace combat zero were some of my favorite games, ace combat assault horizons was a disappointment so i guess a continuance of the ghost's of razgriz air command or of the demon lord of the round table after what happened to pixy