Who is you're Favorite History Figure?

I'm a psychotic maniac with split personalities and I've come close to committing suicide. I don't see what I've done that wasn't "respecting his opinion" I asked what his point was because he likes me... I think people should respect MY opinion. I like Hitler. I don't like that he killed Jews, I don't like that there are still hard-edged Nazis out there, but I don't see why everyone needs to get so butthurt about me liking someone from history. It's my opinion, and it's not like I'm a Nazi, nor do I condone or follow any of his practices. So why do you guys care?
IMO, Hitler was a genius. He definitely knew how to lead, and he knew how to empathize with the German people's feelings. I have studied leadership for a long time, and he was a "great" leader.

So that part I do respect, and in that sense I am in agreement with you.

Unfortunately he was the kind of leadership that history abhors because he was basically the guy that caused WWII and ordered the extermination of a whole race of people, and that's why people will get butthurt when you mention you respect Hitler, regardless of how you try to frame the issue. So yeah.
I still think Hitler isn't a person that people should like. But I also think this of Stalin, and no one (except me) said anything about Mighty liking him or gave a shit.

Stalin actually killed more people than Hitler. Yet only one of the two is "bad".

EDIT: Just incase it isn't clear, I'm trying to say to get the fuck off Pixiel's back
I still think Hitler isn't a person that people should like. But I also think this of Stalin, and no one (except me) said anything about Mighty liking him or gave a shit.

Stalin actually killed more people than Hitler. Yet only one of the two is "bad".

Yeah, Stalin killed millions more people than Hitler. The reason why people hate Hitler more is because he was the reason for the greatest war to ever occur, and because he's just an easy person for history scholars to pick on.
I'm a psychotic maniac with split personalities and I've come close to committing suicide. I don't see what I've done that wasn't "respecting his opinion" I asked what his point was because he likes me... I think people should respect MY opinion. I like Hitler. I don't like that he killed Jews, I don't like that there are still hard-edged Nazis out there, but I don't see why everyone needs to get so butthurt about me liking someone from history. It's my opinion, and it's not like I'm a Nazi, nor do I condone or follow any of his practices. So why do you guys care?

IF you took what i said wrong i meant Everyone should respect others opinion no matter what. i dident mean just you to do so. (If i made that unclear, then i must apoligize that wasent my intation and i couldent care less then what a Group Think about one person since i NEVER follow the Group i might agree about a part of it but i don't follow them just becaus i want to fit it.)

IMO, Hitler was a genius. He definitely knew how to lead, and he knew how to empathize with the German people's feelings. I have studied leadership for a long time, and he was a "great" leader.

So that part I do respect, and in that sense I am in agreement with you.

Unfortunately he was the kind of leadership that history abhors because he was basically the guy that caused WWII and ordered the extermination of a whole race of people, and that's why people will get butthurt when you mention you respect Hitler, regardless of how you try to frame the issue. So yeah.

Indeed he was a great leader and politican. He had a goal in mind and did it, not meny leaders can brag about doing what they wanted to do.
Great leaders are those that can unify meny people for One cause..

(even if some just follow the flow)
Thats one Saladin was somewhat same He United Meny people against the invading Crusaders and if we are going to talk about religions then its allways war were ever you go.
No point, just saying. :p

List of History Figures that I respect.

J.R.R. Tolkien - Perhaps the greatest fantasy literary genius in history, imo. He developed whole languages and maps and stuff just to go along with his stories, and he wrote background stories just to go along with his regular stories.

I Love his Trilogi book Lord of the Ring ^^ so i agree on that :)
I'm a psychotic maniac with split personalities and I've come close to committing suicide. I don't see what I've done that wasn't "respecting his opinion" I asked what his point was because he likes me... I think people should respect MY opinion. I like Hitler. I don't like that he killed Jews, I don't like that there are still hard-edged Nazis out there, but I don't see why everyone needs to get so butthurt about me liking someone from history. It's my opinion, and it's not like I'm a Nazi, nor do I condone or follow any of his practices. So why do you guys care?
This is very easy to take out of context
There is no need to be so edgy

Hitler is undoubtably a significant historical figure.
It's a bit naff, though, to say, that you like Hitler.
I mean, you could say, "Yeah, I respect Hitler's historical impact and significance."
But to say that you like him?
"Yeah, I like Hitler. Lebensraum is the shit."

Again with Stalin.
He's historically significant,
But also responsible for genocide and destruction.
"Stalin's great. What a leader."
...Who fucked Eastern Europe up the jacksy.

You know?
Joan of Arc. At about the age of 17, opposes a war council decision to not attack an enemy stronghold. Garners the support of local townsmen and soldiers, leads the attack, and ends up capturing the fortress of Saint Augustins. Was wounded in the neck by an arrow yet still lead a successful charge and reportedly survived taking a stone cannonball to her helmet. Was burned at the stake at the age of 19 on grounds of heresy, acquitted posthumous, and later canonized (i.e. declared a saint). Not bad for an uneducated peasant.
This totally needs to be said like, immediately before it sparks another mini shit storm.

Whether you like ruthless dictators, peacful activists, knights, or whatever the fuck you like in history, they're part of it, like Vors said.

This, to me is a thread that personal opinions, although very much appretiated, are better kept to a minimum, lest another fecal matter thunder buster breaks loose.

I'm not saying i hate anyone's opinions on any historical figure mentioned, i'm merely saying that this is just a thread to list and explain who we like and why. Nothing more, nothing less.

carry on.
This totally needs to be said like, immediately before it sparks another mini shit storm.

Whether you like ruthless dictators, peacful activists, knights, or whatever the fuck you like in history, they're part of it, like Vors said.

This, to me is a thread that personal opinions, although very much appretiated, are better kept to a minimum, lest another fecal matter thunder buster breaks loose.

I'm not saying i hate anyone's opinions on any historical figure mentioned, i'm merely saying that this is just a thread to list and explain who we like and why. Nothing more, nothing less.

carry on.

This thread looks like fun. Names are not in any particular order.

Al Gore Tim Berners-Lee: Inventor of the World Wide Web

Linus Torvalds: Primary developer of the Linux kernel

Bill Gates: Co-founder of Microsoft which was the driving force behind a true "personal computer"

Gabe Newell: Co-founder of Valve which, with Half-Life and Steam, made PCs the absolute best platform for gaming

Larry Page: Co-founder of Google, the best company to have ever existed

MM: Creator of many amazing web applications, and the coolest gaming community ever
Someone else I like is Sir John Monash.

One of the best generals on the Western Front (unlike his contemporary Haig), he was responsible for huge military successes.
He planned the famous Battle of Amiens, "the black day of the German Army". He successfully mustered the manpower of the American doughboys and ANZACs to great victory.

Perhaps one of the most famous military figures in Australian history, moreover, of all time.

Pretty good, for a lower-middle-class Jewish boy.
I also like Steve Jobs for fighting a losing battle after Bill Gates stole from him but didn't get overwhelmed by revenge so he could still have success.
For my favorite, Ferdinand Magellan and Lewis and Clark
Magellan because seriously,
I like Lewis and Clark because 1. I'm related to Clark and 2. I really enjoyed learning about the Lewis and Clark expedition.

But as for someone's actions, Nikola Tesla. He's a blessing.
I also like Steve Jobs for fighting a losing battle after Bill Gates stole from him but didn't get overwhelmed by revenge so he could still have success.
Full movie is Pirates Of Silicon Valley. If you haven't seen it before, it is an amazing portrayal of the formation and early years of both Apple and Microsoft.