Xbox Controller or PS3 Controller?


Active Member
I've been thinking lately, which controller from the two leading online multiplayer consoles has the best layout?

Personally, even though I play with my Xbox a lot more, I like using the PS3 controls. Mainly because they're formed to be exactly where you think the buttons are formally at, and the controller is incredibly light weight for what it offers. You can charge it, unlike the Xbox controller, where you have buy a wired controller, or a play and charge, and it comes with a accelerometer installed into the controller for some of the game's functionality. Such as Uncharted 3, where you can use it to aim grenades and idols. And the joysticks on the controller are incredibly soft and round so that your fingers won't miss a beat of action while you're playing. The only bad thing is when they meet a LOT of finger oil.

The cons of the Xbox controller are the complete opposite. Where as you have a heavy controller, and the triggers do get annoying from time to time, but do simulate a real firearm's trigger much more than a PS3. The PS3 kind of has more of a bumper. Not really a trigger. The joysticks on the Xbox's controller have these indents in them that helps keep traction of your fingers to stay inside of the bowl that is the joystick, but it's decent, and I somewhat like them. And, the Xbox controller is freakishly fat with it's battery pack and vibrators at the end of the controller. But all in all, I think the only pros of the Xbox controller is that it slips into your hands. ( And out.) It's the wired black controller that I have for my Xbox that I love because it's just so soft and rounds in the palms of your hands.

So. For Xbox.
Wired Controllers. All the way.

And for PS3.

Either or. Although, wireless is pretty cool. Unless you're going for input detection ( Which wired is good for.), than wireless is the way to go.

And majority..

PS3 wins. It's just an all around better controller imo.

What do you guys think?
I also like the 360 controller a lot more. For many reasons, such as the layout, the hoysticks, the triggers (esp. sensitivity when playing race games), interchangeable batteries/battery pack (idk if Ps3 also has this). I like how i can just stick it on the charger when i don't use it for it to charge, or the fact that i can connect it with the wire to charge while i play. Would be more awesome imo if couches had USB ports so we wouldn't have to sit so close to the console when charging lol.
I also like the 360 controller a lot more. For many reasons, such as the layout, the hoysticks, the triggers (esp. sensitivity when playing race games), interchangeable batteries/battery pack (idk if Ps3 also has this). I like how i can just stick it on the charger when i don't use it for it to charge, or the fact that i can connect it with the wire to charge while i play. Would be more awesome imo if couches had USB ports so we wouldn't have to sit so close to the console when charging lol.

I avoid the problem of charging my controller by using rechargeable batteries and having multiple sets ready, and recharging the battery out of power immediately after they run out of battery power.
I avoid the problem of charging my controller by using rechargeable batteries and having multiple sets ready, and recharging the battery out of power immediately after they run out of battery power.
What do you use? Duracell or Energizer? Or something else?
I just don't really like PS3's R2, L2 flipper. I prefer it to be a button like its original predecessor.

But I still prefer Ps3's controller since I grew up with it.
Xbox triggers and thumb sticks with PS3 buttons would just be perfect.

Xbox wireless controller for me. I can't stand the PS3 triggers, and i hate cords and want nothing to do with them.
Xbox triggers and thumb sticks with PS3 buttons would just be perfect.

Xbox wireless controller for me. I can't stand the PS3 triggers, and i hate cords and want nothing to do with them.
I believe there are customizable controllers out there. Not modded, just costumized for your liking. Like SCUF controllers.

But those are used for FPS games. If that's what you're into, then they might help. Here's a link:
I prefer Xbox controllers. I like how the joysticks are not in a line, but are positioned for your thumbs perfectly. Also because they're wireless.
Depends, I prefer Xbox 360 controller most of the time, but when I play a fighting game PS3 BLOWS XBOX OUT OF THE WATER!!! You ever try using that pad on the Xbox controller? It sucks ass, especially compared the pad on the PS3.
I'm gonna close down the debate here :p

Personally, I have a neutral response to both PS3 and Xbox controller's. They each have there pro's and con's. One controller is better suited for a playing style more so than another.
I'm going to start off by listing the pro's of each controller, and comparing.

PS3 Pros:
Motion Sensitivity
Dual Shock 3
Better grip
Fast to charge

Xbox Pros:
Fit's hands great.
rechargeable batteries
indented grip.

PS3 Cons:
Slip's when sweaty
may be to big/small

Xbox Cons:
Too big for small people
slippery when wet
rounded buttons
low battery life.

Each of the controller's have there pros and cons.

While the PS3 controller is better suited for racing, fighting, and Rpg games, the Xbox controller is better suited for FPS games.