Xbox Controller or PS3 Controller?

This is the part when the overwhelmingly huge number of Xbox players start punching the PS3 minority repeatedly in the face while screaming:

And the PS3 minority start slapping the Xbox players back while screaming:

And at the end of the day, the GameBoy walks up to both sides and slaps everyones faces with its vintage penis and just walks off gloriously into the sunset.

Oh and I'm a PS3 user who has used Xbox controllers for game dev before and I support the PS3 controller simply because it's layout has been around much longer, considering it hasn't changed since the PS1. Well, apart from the fact that the PS1's controller didn't have the sticks, everything else remains the same. That being said both controllers have their flaws and everyone needs to throw all their controllers away and buy that OUYA thingy, since they claim their controller fits like a condom over a penis. Er, not exactly but you get the point.
This is the part when the overwhelmingly huge number of Xbox players start punching the PS3 minority repeatedly in the face while screaming:

And the PS3 minority start slapping the Xbox players back while screaming:

And at the end of the day, the GameBoy walks up to both sides and slaps everyones faces with its vintage penis and just walks off gloriously into the sunset.

Oh and I'm a PS3 user who has used Xbox controllers for game dev before and I support the PS3 controller simply because it's layout has been around much longer, considering it hasn't changed since the PS1. Well, apart from the fact that the PS1's controller didn't have the sticks, everything else remains the same. That being said both controllers have their flaws and everyone needs to throw all their controllers away and buy that OUYA thingy, since they claim their controller fits like a condom over a penis. Er, not exactly but you get the point.
Be the father of my baby half-bloods.
Personally, I prefer the PS3 controller.

I've always found the Xbox controller unwieldy, ugly, heavy and uncomfortable. But that's just me. Considering I've been playing PlayStation for what, 13 years now, it's hard not to be biased.

However, the triggers on PlayStation controllers (and the start buttons) are god-awful. They are shit. The triggers are tactile when you want to squeeze them, and the start buttons are squeezy when you just want them to click.

I've always found the buttons and joysticks on the PlayStation remotes incredibly accurate. The D-Pad is pretty abysmal, however, but I don't think the Xbox D-Pad is that great either. However, the D-Pad that comes on the Razer Onza is pretty nice.

If you could have a PS3 controller with the triggers, start buttons and concave design of the joysticks of the Xbox controller, that would be great.

That being said, I'm a PC gamer all the way, so my ideal choice is the clickety-clackety of a nice mechanical keyboard.
Completely incorrect.
Xbox triggers = Accurate levels of throttle input.
PS3 buttons = Smash the gas and go always spinning the tires and doing donuts.

From everyone of my friends, to people onlne, agree ps3 is better for racing. It has a better style of design,. suited for it.
PS3fag reporting in. Don't mind me, I'm just gonna park over here before the shitstorm begins.
From everyone of my friends, to people onlne, agree ps3 is better for racing. It has a better style of design,. suited for it.
Oh how I wish there was a way to cross-platform controller duel people so we could see the results of some good ol' fashioned testing.

Nuff said.
From what I've seen from around the net concerning the design and layout, PS3 guys prefer their controller to the xbox one and vice versa, depending on which controller they got more used to (as in which console they played first/most).

So an xbox fellow will be more biased and genuinely uncomfortable with a ps3 controller because it's not the xbox one.
From what I've seen from around the net concerning the design and layout, PS3 guys prefer their controller to the xbox one and vice versa, depending on which controller they got more used to (as in which console they played first/most).

So an xbox fellow will be more biased and genuinely uncomfortable with a ps3 controller because it's not the xbox one.
I like the PS3 controller a lot more than the Xbox, and I'm an Xbox kind of guy. YOUR THEORY IS SLIGHTLY INCORRECT.
The controllers I used most and grew up on were playstation 1 and 2 controllers. I do significantly better at a game on Playstation because of the controller. But one of my hands is bigger than the whole controller. (just my palm almost actually) So it is very uncomfortable. That and Halo were the only reason I went for an Xbox when I bought one. I really don't see why people complain about the xbox controller being too big and heavy. Even the xbox controller can get a bit to small for me, and it's what, not even a pound? Eh. I guess it goes the same for me as with computers. I hate laptops because my arms are too big for them. (I can set it on a desk, and stretch my arms away to a comfortable position, but then I can't see the tiny ass 17" screen. I guess I just like everything bigger. Even though I'm quite possibly the shortest and thinnest person ever.
I absolutely cannot stand the Xbox 360 controller.

People say it is better because it is "more appropriately sized" and it has "better button layout". Which is the exact opposite of what I think.

The Xbox 360 controller is large and heavy enough to kill a bear with. People say "it fits the hands better" with the size it is, which is bullshit. With the Playstation controller, my middle fingers comfortably over-lap under the triggers, which makes me feel in control and firmly gripped on the controller. With the 360 controller, especially during long sessions, the blood flow to my middle fingers can get cut off.

I also despise the analog stick layout on the 360. The analog sticks are not parallel to each other, which drives me bat-shit crazy. The D-Pad is also an abomination. The X, A, B, and Y buttons all feel glossy and sticky, compared to the more plastic-y feeling of the Playstation's Square, X, Triangle, and Circle buttons.

Consider me biased, since I have used the Playstation controllers my entire life. However, I sincerely dislike the fat and clunky nature of the 360 controller.
I absolutely cannot stand the Xbox 360 controller.

People say it is better because it is "more appropriately sized" and it has "better button layout". Which is the exact opposite of what I think.

The Xbox 360 controller is large and heavy enough to kill a bear with. People say "it fits the hands better" with the size it is, which is bullshit. With the Playstation controller, my middle fingers over-lap under the triggers, which makes me feel in control and firmly gripped on the controller. With the 360 controller, especially during long sessions, the blood flow to my middle fingers can get cut off.

I also despise the analog stick layout on the 360. The analog sticks are not parallel to each other, which drives me bat-shit crazy. The D-Pad is also an abomination. The X, A, B, and Y buttons all feel glossy and sticky, compared to the more plastic-y feeling of the Playstation's Square, X, Triangle, and Circle buttons.

Consider me biased, since I have used the Playstation controllers my entire life. However, I sincerely dislike the fat and clunky nature of the 360 controller.
Good thing I kill bears for a living.
You must have small hands then, because on the 360 controller my middle fingers over-lap under the triggers... That part of your argument is utter crap.

Actually, quite the opposite. I have massive hands. My middle finger DO over-lap under the 360 controller, but it is not comfortable in the least bit. The last time I had a long session on the 360, as I said, resulted in the blood flow to my middle fingers getting cut off. (This may be due to the fact that I have a habit of squeezing the controller rather hard when I play)
It's like the Xbox guys were like,

"We don't like you left analog stick. You're smelly. You can go all the way over there."
Playstation controller is rather crappy. Even before Xbox I thought the analog sticks were weird as fuck. Super loose, and it's awkward having them symmetrical. Not to mention, them being rounded is the stupidest thing ever.

And to those complaining about the large size, just be glad they aren't the original Xbox's original controller. That was stupid as shit.
I really prefer the Xbox controller. One reason is because the Left stick is on top. It might just be the games I play, but the stick in combination with the buttons are used a hell of a lot more than the buttons and D-pad. That is why I prefer this alignment, as it keeps my hands parallel.
Also it is easier to separate the triggers by touch alone. If your keeping your eyes on the screen and your fingers off the triggers in case of fast switching/ no accidental fire, you can quickly tell which button your finger is on when action comes.
Also while people may object to the rounded buttons, i think they're useful for sliding from one button to the other for quick combo's, instead of having to jab at them.
And also to the long charge time argument. Frankly, I just don't use rechargeable batteries, as normal batteries last longer and take about 15 seconds to replace them.
Maybe it's simply because I grew up with the N64 and Gamecube controllers, which are closer to the Xbox than PS3
Objections anyone?