Xbox One

I can certainly understand the arguments against the Xbone, and I'm in no way saying that the presence of their restrictions is a positive thing. But I truly believe that it's critics are unjustly crucifying it for things that, in today's technological society shouldn't be as big of a deal as they're being made out to be.
Honestly, even if there is a reason that I was without internet for more than 24 hours, my cell-phone could easily be turned into a wifi hotspot long enough every day that my Xbox could call home. Godlib is the only grown man I know that still doesn't own a smart phone.
Most of their restrictions are done for drm purposes or profit (for example, eliminating used games). The restrictions are bizarre, unnecessary, and were never requested by gamers.
That is......Embarrassing. Not only do you suck, but you suck while live.

I don't suck I win,I'm not stuck to one console. I own all three consoles plus more. I'm also a seller that owns a small business. which 95% of my sales are xbox 360. I doubt i suck, and more live because i got 42 inch tv hanging on the wall so my customers can see how xbox one sucks. you call that "suck" I'm hearing in my ear "I'm winning"
Most of their restrictions are done for drm purposes or profit (for example, eliminating used games). The restrictions are bizarre, unnecessary, and were never requested by gamers.

I respectfully disagree on the elimination of used games being a negative trait.
Yes it is being done for profit, but done for a shift in profit. Every used game sold is one copy of a game that will never net a profit for the developer.
Going back to my earlier Steam analogy, the reason they're able to offer such awesome sales on major titles is because they're minimizing delivery cost, and eliminating the chance of used games.
I know it's a long shot, but I for one am optimistic on this being the opportunity that consoles need to reduce game costs, maybe not initially, but in the form of digital sales and price reductions on games I want to play, but don't get when they launch.

I know my thoughts were all over the place on that, but Penny-Arcade's Ben Kuchera sums up what I'm getting at very nicely:
I don't suck I win,I'm not stuck to one console. I own all three consoles plus more. I'm also a seller that owns a small business. which 95% of my sales are xbox 360. I doubt i suck, and more live because i got 42 inch tv hanging on the wall so my customers can see how xbox one sucks. you call that "suck" I'm hearing in my ear "I'm winning"
She was talking about the Xbox E3 thing. Not you.
I don't suck I win,I'm not stuck to one console. I own all three consoles plus more. I'm also a seller that owns a small business. which 95% of my sales are xbox 360. I doubt i suck, and more live because i got 42 inch tv hanging on the wall so my customers can see how xbox one sucks. you call that "suck" I'm hearing in my ear "I'm winning"

I'm pretty sure you are now aware what I was referring to.
Your blasphemous attempts to foil the hatred of this new atrocity will not go unnoticed here either!

I hit you with Mike Papodopolous's Facebook response!

"Yes and no. PC and console are different enough to warrant such a discrepancy in how they're perceived by gamers. Consoles are designed specifically to play games, whereas PCs can be built with the added functionality of doing so. Furthermore, Steam is not necessary to the process of exploring that functionality. You can choose not to use Steam at all and buy your games at retail. Or you could just not game on your PC at all, and you're still left with a fully-functioning productivity machine (which can be used offline). These choices and options do not exist with a console, which is why Steam works so well as a PC platform and why Microsoft's attempts to bring the same type of control to the console seem so terrible."

Except the disc based games require DRM.


Mattrick said Microsoft appreciates the passion of gamers but he believes gamers are “imagining outcomes that are worse than what we believe it’s going to be in the real world.
She was talking about the Xbox E3 thing. Not you.
( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) (reads carefully and feels embarrassed) oh crap..... ty patchy.

I'm pretty sure you are now aware what I was referring to.
yes i do (ಥ_ಥ) sorry for sounding like a jerk..... now my mind is clear.... but yeah, beside that it sucked I notice how
they were putting tweets on the screen so see you looked closely you can see that people were giving negative feedback
and scrolling fast to a positive tweet LOL. oh and i made a error, 52% of my sales are 360 but most are retro games.
but because xbox one don't support used games I'm screwed on sales for that (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Disclaimer for the new Xbox one, and yea it only works in 21 countries at launch. Eventually they will branch out around 2014.

Also trying to respond to a post on the phone is entertaining (annoying) lol.
yes i do (ಥ_ಥ) sorry for sounding like a jerk..... now my mind is clear.... but yeah, beside that it sucked I notice how they were putting tweets on the screen so see you looked closely you can see that people were giving negative feedback
and scrolling fast to a positive tweet LOL. oh and i made a error, 52% of my sales are 360 but most are retro games.
but because xbox one don't support used games I'm screwed on sales for that (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

You didn't sound like a jerk, no worries.

Except the disc based games require DRM.

Nothing about DRM was even mentioned in my buddies statement....
I respectfully disagree on the elimination of used games being a negative trait.
Yes it is being done for profit, but done for a shift in profit. Every used game sold is one copy of a game that will never net a profit for the developer.
Going back to my earlier Steam analogy, the reason they're able to offer such awesome sales on major titles is because they're minimizing delivery cost, and eliminating the chance of used games.
I know it's a long shot, but I for one am optimistic on this being the opportunity that consoles need to reduce game costs, maybe not initially, but in the form of digital sales and price reductions on games I want to play, but don't get when they launch.

I know my thoughts were all over the place on that, but Penny-Arcade's Ben Kuchera sums up what I'm getting at very nicely:

Valid argument, and I could see where that may work in a more idealized world. New console games have been selling at $60 since these last consoles were released (8 years ago?). That price won't change. The bottom line is the biggest concern for every for-profit company out there, and any positive change in that bottom line will not result in better prices for the consumer. We may see better product or better services, and that may help us justify our purchases more, but I'll be the queen of England before we see a drop in new game prices. I have no problem with a company making a profit, my issue is how they're making a profit at the expense of my rights as a consumer.

Steam doesn't allow me to sell my PC games to other users, nor does it allow me to loan the games to someone else. It's a bummer, but I can purchase those game (usually) at another online retailer, or in a brick-and-mortar store and circumvent Steam. I don't mind buying my games from Steam because I can play those games on any other PC I choose to without limitation (with graphics requirements being an exception) and if I have downloaded the game to my harddrive, I can still play the game without having access to the Internet. I think that's where the line is drawn for me. Steam lets me do what I want with my games when I want where ever I want and not worry about having to connect to the Internet every so often to ensure I'm still playing the game the way it was meant to be played, and that I'm not trying to hack it or anything. Steam doesn't make the assumption that I am going to pirate the game.

Xbone is going to require me to connect to the Internet at least once every 24hrs. They're assuming I'm a cheat and pirate, and that's insulting.

Furthermore, their new game share policy sucks if I own a physical copy of a game. Sure, I can share it with one other person (once), but what if I shared it and I don't want it anymore? My only optiont (according to the speculation in the article you posted) is to sell it back to MS somehow. How am I going to get fair market price for that? I'm not. If I only have one place to sell my game, then that place is going to undercut me everytime because they can get away with it. If I own a physical copy of a game (or any media, really), I have the right to resell without any repurcussion or lawsuit filed against me by the original creator. Adding this wall on their console restricts that right I am allowed because I can only resell to MS, or I'm selling the game for less because the purchaser would buy my physical copy (a physical license) and also pay MS to play that game on their system.
Something that everybody is forgetting.
[this is where i go off topic]

It's 99 bucks.

Bracabrad out
Just another feature of licensing games.

This is a given considering the nature of the Xbox system but still sucks to see none the less.

Edit:apparently it was confirmed false by the same twitter account and was referencing the 360. Keep in mind it was only clarified when shit hit the fan sooo.

On the subject of brad's post, that gaming system also looks kinda cool!
Something rather interesting a mate of mine pointed out to me.


1:16 Windows PC Sound.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was photoshopeed, however I wouldn't dismiss these claims anytime soon.
Something rather interesting a mate of mine pointed out to me.


1:16 Windows PC Sound.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was photoshopeed, however I wouldn't dismiss these claims anytime soon.

I'm fairly sure that they've been using PC's at E3 for like, since 2004 or something.
I'm fairly sure that they've been using PC's at E3 for like, since 2004 or something.

I know, although It's generally for stage demos and the like. Either way, It's still a disgusting practice that misrepresents the actual quality of software operating on the hardware itself.

Whether or not their word can be seen as a factual source, devs that are working on Ps4 titles have spoken out and stated that the majority of the titles shown were running on "Dev Kits". Once again, whether or not you believe the source is another matter, I'm in no rush to disagree with it -
I know, although It's generally for stage demos and the like. Either way, It's still a disgusting practice that misrepresents the actual quality of software operating on the hardware itself.

Whether or not their word can be seen as a factual source, devs that are working on Ps4 titles have spoken out and stated that the majority of the titles shown were running on "Dev Kits". Once again, whether or not you believe the source is another matter, I'm in no rush to disagree with it -
microsoft is just falling deeper into the hellhole are they?