Xbox One

Only thing that wants me to buy a xbox one. Ill just wait till my friend buys one then play the whole campaign with him in one night. All I did with Halo 4 anyways.
Now that I have a gaming computer, the exclusives are the only reason I'd buy a console. Since there's only one exclusive out there I care to play, the price of the XBox One is just too high, and the DRM stuff is just too much of a hassle. I'll just watch the cutscenes, then play on one of the other awesome Halo games.
So your a gamer who wants to play the xbox one but doesn't have access to internet, fear not for this is Don Mattrick's view on the matter!
So your a gamer who wants to play the xbox one but don't have access to internet, fear not for this is Don Mattrick's view on the matter!
Microsoft continue to dig their own grave, you would have thought they would have loosened their DRM policies at this stage.
Now that I have a gaming computer, the exclusives are the only reason I'd buy a console. Since there's only one exclusive out there I care to play, the price of the XBox One is just too high, and the DRM stuff is just too much of a hassle. I'll just watch the cutscenes, then play on one of the other awesome Halo games.

I feel the same way. I've enjoyed the series since Halo 2, but between having a semi-decent computer, not caring much for Halo 4, and the Xbox One itself, unless something major changes by the time PAX Prime starts it's kind of a sealed deal for me.

So your a gamer who wants to play the xbox one but don't have access to internet, fear not for this is Don Mattrick's view on the matter!

"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it’s called Xbox 360." said Mattrick.

I can't believe he just said that to their consumers. Because someone may live in the middle of nowhere, or not have internet for whatever reason, they should be limited to last generation's hardware? This is the most messed up console release since the Sega Saturn.
Oh noes... let's all hate-bash on Xbox for trying to do on a console the same thing we've been praising steam for doing on PC.

Your blasphemous attempts to foil the hatred of this new atrocity will not go unnoticed here either!

I hit you with Mike Papodopolous's Facebook response!

"Yes and no. PC and console are different enough to warrant such a discrepancy in how they're perceived by gamers. Consoles are designed specifically to play games, whereas PCs can be built with the added functionality of doing so. Furthermore, Steam is not necessary to the process of exploring that functionality. You can choose not to use Steam at all and buy your games at retail. Or you could just not game on your PC at all, and you're still left with a fully-functioning productivity machine (which can be used offline). These choices and options do not exist with a console, which is why Steam works so well as a PC platform and why Microsoft's attempts to bring the same type of control to the console seem so terrible."
Your blasphemous attempts to foil the hatred of this new atrocity will not go unnoticed here either!

I hit you with Mike Papodopolous's Facebook response!

"Yes and no. PC and console are different enough to warrant such a discrepancy in how they're perceived by gamers. Consoles are designed specifically to play games, whereas PCs can be built with the added functionality of doing so. Furthermore, Steam is not necessary to the process of exploring that functionality. You can choose not to use Steam at all and buy your games at retail. Or you could just not game on your PC at all, and you're still left with a fully-functioning productivity machine (which can be used offline). These choices and options do not exist with a console, which is why Steam works so well as a PC platform and why Microsoft's attempts to bring the same type of control to the console seem so terrible."
Also, you can play your games on Steam for longer than 1 hour with no internet.
You can play your games on Xbone for longer than an hour with no internet. Nicely researched rebuttal.
Oh, sorry, that was for playing on someone else's Xbox One. Though, if you used Steam on someone else's computer, it wouldn't have that problem.

Also, please don't get an attitude. (In regards to your sarcastic "Nicely researched rebuttal")
Oh, sorry, that was for playing on someone else's Xbox One. Though, if you used Steam on someone else's computer, it wouldn't have that problem.

Also, please don't get an attitude. (In regards to your sarcastic "Nicely researched rebuttal)

If you knew him, you'd understand that his sarcastic nature is what you'll love most about him. Because there are times when I would love to punch him in the nose, but he always makes up for it in the end, somehow.
If you knew him, you'd understand that his sarcastic nature is what you'll love most about him. Because there are times when I would love to punch him in the nose, but he always makes up for it in the end, somehow.
Well, not knowing someone at all and having them basically insult you with sarcasm doesn't really make you like them...
speaking of "punching in the nose" if anyone was watching the E3 live on xbox live yesterday, most tweets were negative which they had to scroll fast to the positive ones lol
speaking of "punching in the nose" if anyone was watching the E3 live on xbox live yesterday, most tweets were negative which they had to scroll fast to the positive ones lol

That is......Embarrassing. Not only do you suck, but you suck while live.
Oh noes... let's all hate-bash on Xbox for trying to do on a console the same thing we've been praising steam for doing on PC.

We all have our different reasons for liking/not liking the console. The thread itself is to discuss each other's reactions/opinions of the console, let's try to keep it clean, please.

I'm trying very hard to find a reason to want the Xbone, but I'm having trouble finding one that is justifiable. I've got plenty of time to think of a reason, or for MS to give me one, because I'm not going to be spending $500 for a new console of any kind any time soon without some very good reason. I simply don't have that kind of discretionary spending. Not even for $400 PS4. Whatever one I choose (if I even choose one) will be the one I play until the next generation, or until I've had it up to my eyeballs in how the gameing industry is going.
I can certainly understand the arguments against the Xbone, and I'm in no way saying that the presence of their restrictions is a positive thing. But I truly believe that it's critics are unjustly crucifying it for things that, in today's technological society shouldn't be as big of a deal as they're being made out to be.
Honestly, even if there is a reason that I was without internet for more than 24 hours, my cell-phone could easily be turned into a wifi hotspot long enough every day that my Xbox could call home. Godlib is the only grown man I know that still doesn't own a smart phone.