Recent content by dmax

  1. dmax

    A post to keep the forums alive (lurking)

  2. dmax

    T9K Official Game Nights Info Thread!

    If you want to play Guns of Icarus Online during the Game Night, but still don't own it, Green Man Gaming has it on sale as part of a $2 bundle: Use Voucher 23PERC-ENTOFF-48HOUR to reduce the price to $1.54. Green Man...
  3. dmax

    XenForo Upgrade

    The format bar thingy (for images/links, emoticons, etc) for replies/posts seems to be missing. Also the Awesome Smiley/Mini-Wootz emoticon appears to be broken:
  4. dmax

    What are You Up to?

    What do you use the combo fork/pen/rose for? :confused:
  5. dmax

    T9K Official Game Nights Info Thread!

    Unfortunately, we have to wait for the multiplayer mod we use to update before the server can update. That mod did just update for Terraria 1.2.3. But then Terraria updated to :eek:
  6. dmax

    Official Team9000 Starbound Server

    The server has been rebooted and is back up.
  7. dmax

    Official Team9000 Starbound Server

    The server was rebooted because it was running slow but because of a server glitch, stuff wasn't being saved correctly, so planets got reset. It has been (hopefully) fixed.
  8. dmax

    Rust Launch Server

    Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible right now. :( From here: "Attention! During alpha, there is no public version of server files. It requires a beta password that is currently only provided to dedicated hosting companies."
  9. dmax

    IRL PICS! (if you want to)

    Everything is sideways for me, no matter what. :salad:
  10. dmax

    Awesome Games Done Quick 2014 Jan 5th - Jan 11th

    WTF terrible game is that? :cautious:
  11. dmax

    IRL PICS! (if you want to)

    Possibly a blind stripper as well. Seeing as he can't seem to straighten his tie or align his belt buckle. :D
  12. dmax

    IRL PICS! (if you want to)

    Um, excuse me?
  13. dmax

    IRL PICS! (if you want to)

    You work on your back? :devil:
  14. dmax

    T9K Official Game Nights Info Thread!

    Try 10pm EDT Halloween night is 1pm Friday November 1st, Sydney Time. :D (Technically it's EDT until this Sunday when it changes to EST)