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  1. jishent

    Voltz Server

    May I have the IP? Thanks!
  2. jishent

    LTS Town: Ascension

    Hello, I am Jishent. I was in Deathly Hallows, Sanctum, Haven, Bastion. I sporadically play on team9000 servers. I am a builder in classic have made things listed below. Thanks for your time! regards, Jishent
  3. jishent

    Voltz Server

    How much experience you have with the modpack? 5 Hrs of Experience and a few hours of watching Yogscast. What parts of the modpack you are specifically interested in? The PvP and building awesome stuff. If there are any portions of the modpack you'd like to see specifically disabled (assuming...
  4. jishent

    Ask an asian anything.

    Indeed it damn is :D
  5. jishent

    Ask an asian anything.

  6. jishent

    Ask an asian anything.

    lol whats your number XD? The engineers makes the stickers, the rest everything else.
  7. jishent

    Yellowstone Supervolcano

    Just bringing it up since December of 2012 is coming XD Not that I believe in it., but this volcano can explode any day :P
  8. jishent

    Yellowstone Supervolcano

    Saw this on CNN. Current scenario: 100 miles (160Km) near volcano instantly wiped out 500 miles (804.6Km) burning ash cloud Smoke enters jet stream and cripples air traffic Threatens world food...
  9. jishent

    Ask an asian anything.

    Ohhh hahahahah Those are fricking gorgeous. I don't think I've seen Mi Goren with spring rolls, chips etc in them...and plus if you microwave spring rolls they get all soggy and soft.... If you like Mi Goreng give these a try. If you can find them...
  10. jishent

    Ask an asian anything.

    Yep, we are traveling through time at 1second/1second :) Don't know about other asian countries :/. I think the southern chinese version of that is Yum Cha/Dim Sum (Tea time). Ate these this morning.
  11. jishent

    Ask an asian anything.

    I R BABOOOONNNNN. Actually I am a Canadian Chinese that lived in Hong Kong for 16 years and then went back to Canada for uni. Lol...I was once related to the British until they gave Hong Kong back to the Communists...Unless you were asking ConroD :P I have small eyes. I eat rice to fuel my...
  12. jishent

    Ask an asian anything.

    You can't levitate using that equation. All authentic asians should know that. ;P Obviously your a phony! Nahhhh, ConroD isn't fancy enough to drink tea with his pinky out. A more possible scenario would be him chugging whiskey like a boss.
  13. jishent

    Ask an asian anything.

    Yes asians can fly. :P
  14. jishent

    Ask an asian anything.

    {e (x^2+3/(2 y^3)) (20.6 (15 x^(7/2) y-e^x)+(38 e)/5)} I got this....
  15. jishent

    Ask an asian anything.

    How do I lieked MUDKIPZ?
  16. jishent

    Ask an asian anything.

  17. jishent


    Yep, build more! Keep it up!
  18. jishent

    PSSSSTTTSTTTT You still rememba me?

    PSSSSTTTSTTTT You still rememba me?
  19. jishent

    Sebastian ~ The town across the sea.

    Username - Jishent Previous experience in minecraft? Minecraft Classic Builder (See: Maintained own LAN server for 8 months (Had 14 people) Previous towns? Sanctum (A year ago)...
  20. jishent

    Knights of the Shroom - Beta Town

    Oh. /facepalm well contact me if you guys plan on making Shroomville in the new world. I'll apply to Bastion then :) Cheers.