Gun and Gun Hobbiest thread revival


.44 magnum?
Nah I want model 29 specifically.
I don't have infinite moneys either, but although .22 is way cheaper, I would still recommend you look towards 9mm, still pretty cheap, and you have a weapon that can stand take down a target instead of just piss them off......for the most part, most home invasion scenario's you will be close enough where aim does not matter too much, point in the direction of the target you want to destroy, pull trigger until it goes click, survey the damage......but I recommend going with 9mm and then go back and get a little .22 plinker for fun down the road.....but the bigger thing, is to find something you will be comfortable with, shop around a bit, and just tell the guys at the gun store what you are looking for in pricepoint and see all the is of course your preference, but dont just look at it in terms of ammo cost....the thing about ammo, you find that you will start to buy a box here and a box there, and it will just add up over time.
I'll consider it. I really want to get my aim better though. Mostly for hunting. I mean, when I go on my next road trip I'm only bringing two oxen, enough clothes for everyone, enough food for a day, and as much ammo as we can carry. If I can't aim, how am I ever going to make it all the way to Oregon?
Just wondering... do any of you own machine pistols or submachine guns?

The firing range I frequent seems to only carry nothing shorter than carbines (exception: handguns and revolvers) for rentals. This is in California, but to my knowledge, I don't recall any legislation in my state banning such weapons, as long as they are converted to semi-auto only.

here in the US all automatic weapons are listed as Class 3 items and they are usually extremely expensive....and you have to either have a federal firearms license or set up a trust to get them....but for something like a MAC 10 it will run you about $4000 and that is about as cheap as it gets.
I'll consider it. I really want to get my aim better though. Mostly for hunting. I mean, when I go on my next road trip I'm only bringing two oxen, enough clothes for everyone, enough food for a day, and as much ammo as we can carry. If I can't aim, how am I ever going to make it all the way to Oregon?

I hold a special place in my heart for your antics, crane.
as it is now, it is a kinda pretty shotgun. Also, this may be the first time I have ever seen a bolt action shotgun.....I like it.

and hey, found a quick video of someone firing one of those.

Sure sounds nice in that video. I have always wanted to shoot out of it but I don't know that it has been shot since it has been restored so it is probably best to leave it be. I looked around on the internet and they aren't really worth much.
They say guns don't kill people, but people kill people. But I certainly have never seen a person fire a bullet out of their mouth.
I have also never seen someone turn their hands into knives and stab someone, I have never seen someone shoot fire out of their eyes and burn someone alive, I have never seen someone transform into a giant rope and strangle you see how ridiculous that argument is? If someone is murdered by being shot, there was another person who made the conscious decision to pick up a gun, load the rounds into the gun, go find that person, cock the gun allowing a round to be ready to fire(in some cases this is not entirely easy), point the gun at them, turn the safety on the gun off(not always a necessary step), and then squeeze the trigger, which will allow the hammer to strike the primer and expel the bullet from the gun.

I'm not even sure this is the place to post this. It's more cannon than gun IMO.

They.. mount that as tank cannons don't they...

this is the round that gun fires....

I'm more interested in seeing what down-range looks like.
this is a 600 and not the 700 they were shooting, but I think it gives a good representation of the power.