Halo 4

New video showing off the sounds of the guns.

Also, 2 new guns revealed.
Saw - Equivalent of a Lmg.
Railgun - A singleshot gun that seems to fire a projectile and takes a few seconds to charge up before firing. It seems to be a 1 hit kill.

The spree/medal voice sounds kinda derpy :3
----->Armour abilities in game:
Me: wtf is this abandon preorder
This is the kind of attitude I am fucking HATING of people about Halo 4.

"Oh shit I see something that was bad from a previous game but I have NO KNOWLEDGE OF HOW IT PLAYS OR HOW IT IS BEING INTEGRATED SO I AM GOING TO ASSUME ITS BAD REGARDLESS."

Seriously, the game is going to change. The game is going to have similar aspects from the other games as well. You have no idea how much or less the abilities impact the game, their limits or how much they will be integrated.

Stop making blind assumptions and blaring out you are going to cancel your pre order based on 1 bad aspect you have little knowledge on.
This is the kind of attitude I am fucking HATING of people about Halo 4.

"Oh shit I see something that was bad from a previous game but I have NO KNOWLEDGE OF HOW IT PLAYS OR HOW IT IS BEING INTEGRATED SO I AM GOING TO ASSUME ITS BAD REGARDLESS."

Seriously, the game is going to change. The game is going to have similar aspects from the other games as well. You have no idea how much or less the abilities impact the game, their limits or how much they will be integrated.

Stop making blind assumptions and blaring out you are going to cancel your pre order based on 1 bad aspect you have little knowledge on.
...And people have the choice to cancel their preorder if they feel they won't be satisfied with the game. I was hoping they were going to make it more like Halo 3, and after all the videos I've seen on it, it mayaswell be called Halo Reach 2. I reserve the right to not spend money on a game I will not enjoy.
...And people have the choice to cancel their preorder if they feel they won't be satisfied with the game. I was hoping they were going to make it more like Halo 3, and after all the videos I've seen on it, it mayaswell be called Halo Reach 2. I reserve the right to not spend money on a game I will not enjoy.

Except you haven't played the game, how do you know if you will enjoy it or not without playing it first. Logic = 0.
...And people have the choice to cancel their preorder if they feel they won't be satisfied with the game. I was hoping they were going to make it more like Halo 3, and after all the videos I've seen on it, it mayaswell be called Halo Reach 2. I reserve the right to not spend money on a game I will not enjoy.
>implying you know how the game plays
>implying sequels are supposed to be like the previous one
>implying it isn't like halo 3 even though you haven't played it yet.

Dude just wait for the game to come out instead of make blind assumptions, shit man.
I can't wait for this to come out. Even though I stopped enjoying Halo after the original, I'd like to see just how good Halo 4 is.
Except you haven't played the game, how do you know if you will enjoy it or not without playing it first. Logic = 0.
>implying you know how the game plays
>implying sequels are supposed to be like the previous one
>implying it isn't like halo 3 even though you haven't played it yet.

Dude just wait for the game to come out instead of make blind assumptions, shit man.
See, I saw the gameplay videos, and it has features I don't like. Simple as that. No matter what, games with features that I've seen in the gameplays that I dislike, I don't want.
See, I saw the gameplay videos, and it has features I don't like. Simple as that. No matter what, games with features that I've seen in the gameplays that I dislike, I don't want.
>implying you know how these game features work or play or even affect the game
>implying everything has been shown based on the few clips of gameplay they have shown

games with features that I've seen in the gameplays that I dislike, I don't want.

If that is your mindset I don't know how you even play video games because I have never found a game that was 100% perfect because that is pretty much what you are instigating.
>implying you know how these game features work or play or even affect the game
>implying everything has been shown based on the few clips of gameplay they have shown


If that is your mindset I don't know how you even play video games because I have never found a game that was 100% perfect because that is pretty much what you are instigating.
More of nostalgiac about older games, and not willing to accept change. So I found the easiest solution for that: Play call of duty.
COD doesn't change, because they (Activision/Infinity Ward/Treyarch) have no creativity, they haven't added anything new since God-Knows-When.
Honestly, my opinion on it is, they're best off doing that. Every game franchise is almost killing itself with atleast one retarted addition they make. They just play it safe.
Honestly, my opinion on it is, they're best off doing that. Every game franchise is almost killing itself with atleast one retarted addition they make. They just play it safe.

So you're saying it's better to have a legion of 7 year-old assholes playing a game, compared to a serious, and much more mature, group of players on a game? Smart.

Also, if you're going to use a word to describe something, make sure you know what it means.
'Retarded' (Yes, I corrected you) means 'slow', not 'stupid'