house gives cispa the ok.

I'd just like to point out that, in the scheme of things, Australia and Australian politics are very liberal in comparison to many other countries.

In fact, it would be easy to say that the left and right in Australia are far closer than their counterparts in the UK and the US.

We have two major political parties: The Liberal / National Coalition (the Liberals or the Liberal Party for short) and the Australian Labor Party. (Or the ALP.)

But here's the confusing bit: the Liberal Party is actually more right-wing then the ALP.

So yeah.

But we do have our fair share of overly-patriotic near-fascists too.
I'd just like to point out that, in the scheme of things, Australia and Australian politics are very liberal in comparison to many other countries.

In fact, it would be easy to say that the left and right in Australia are far closer than their counterparts in the UK and the US.

We have two major political parties: The Liberal / National Coalition (the Liberals or the Liberal Party for short) and the Australian Labor Party. (Or the ALP.)

But here's the confusing bit: the Liberal Party is actually more right-wing then the ALP.

So yeah.

But we do have our fair share of overly-patriotic near-fascists too.
What I dislike is the puppetry that goes on. We have a woman prime minister who TRIES to be likeable, and then we have a guy who has too much testosterone as the leader of the opposition (who is also really dumb)
What I dislike is the puppetry that goes on. We have a woman prime minister who TRIES to be likeable, and then we have a guy who has too much testosterone as the leader of the opposition (who is also really dumb)
To be honest, we haven't had a PM / Opposition Member in past years that I have ever truly liked.
I mean, I didn't mind Rudd, to be honest. And it's good that we have a female PM.
But, like, there's really no likeable candidates.

Now, should we get back on topic?
Now, should we get back on topic?
You got it pretty damned close, I'll give you that.
Close Enough.jpg

Now, I'll make the finishing touches...
At least I spoke in specifics and gave reasons for why I think the way I do. If you are just going to disagree with everything I say, then say that you don't feel like listing/explaining your reasoning. Then I don't feel like the response was necessary. I believe this falls under the category of contradiction on that fancy little pyramid you found on the internet. Please don't insult someones intelligence, please do not insult my intelligence. Especially when you turn around and hypocritically do what you just said not to do.
I have yet to find evidence on the internet and general history to support the first two claims I pointed out. The fourth was childish and I felt like pointing out the wrong mentality many have taken towards the role of the president.
Did I say that I wanted these companies to go bankrupt? No. Do I realize that large companies are the backbone of our country? Of course I do. Throwing money at a problem wont solve it. They needed to take a better and wider scoped approach to the problem instead of throwing money at it and cutting jobs to keep these companies afloat. History will only repeat itself.
They didn't have time to take a better and wider scoped approach. Restructuring companies is also not the duty of the government, it is their duty to pass normal regulation and enforce it, not destroy regulation cough Glass–Steagall cough. Yes some of the bailout money was highly ineffective, but in the long run was necessary.
I have yet to find evidence on the internet and general history to support the first two claims I pointed out. The fourth was childish and I felt like pointing out the wrong mentality many have taken towards the role of the president.

They didn't have time to take a better and wider scoped approach. Restructuring companies is also not the duty of the government, it is their duty to pass normal regulation and enforce it, not destroy regulation cough Glass–Steagall cough. Yes some of the bailout money was highly ineffective, but in the long run was necessary.

What is the correct mentality? Is it not the presidents job to improve our country?

Secondly, this problem did not develop overnight. I agree to the ineffectivity of the money. I also partially agree in its necessity.