How did you find t9k

I found this community the same way that most of you found this place. I was introduced to minecrack through a friend, joined classic, went to numerous crappy servers, found team9000. started to get to know a few of the guys here. Introduced myself on the forum, was convinced to join everyone on mumble, and little by little fell in love with this community. My time spent with everyone here has been amazing, and in the 2 years that I have been here, I have watched this place grow and I look forward to continuing to watch it grow.

also, I saw crane singing that he doesn't want to miss anything....and I just had to stick around for more of that.
I found this community the same way that most of you found this place. I was introduced to minecrack through a friend, joined classic, went to numerous crappy servers, found team9000. started to get to know a few of the guys here. Introduced myself on the forum, was convinced to join everyone on mumble, and little by little fell in love with this community. My time spent with everyone here has been amazing, and in the 2 years that I have been here, I have watched this place grow and I look forward to continuing to watch it grow.

also, I saw crane singing that he doesn't want to miss anything....and I just had to stick around for more of that.
No one wants that.
was a cold January day in my information technology class, as I skim through minecraft servers, I randomly clicked on t9k public server. Ever since I logged on everyday building random structures out of creative sparks of inspiration. Until I decided one day to find the website. After that I ended up to the point now, a brony playing team fortress 2 and other games that interest me. Thanks.
July 5th, 2011. It was a boring day and I was tired of playing Minecraft alone, so I hopped on the Minecraft website and looked at the server. I saw the name "Team9000" and thought... Over 9000! I was a freaking sucker for memes like that so I joined. I've had my on and off moments of being here but I should stick around more. :3
My story:
In May, 2012, I had just joined Minecraft! I'd played singleplayer for about a week and figured that it was too lonly for me. Even though I was a noob then, and still am now (you'll see, by the random nooby questions I find myself asking a lot), I went on Google and searched "minecraft classic server". Back then, I looooved survival a lot, so I wanted a "classic" minecraft server, without too many extra plugins and stupid junk like that. Team9000 Classic was the first server that came up. Unfortunately, classic didn't work for me, so I joined survival. Came on, asked to join a town, Devestator3838 let me in his. I spent about a month building a house, mining, having a good time in my secluded little town northeast of spawn. Then the wipe happened and I got so angry that I had to quit for 2 months to cool down. When I joined, nothing was the same - except for the people. I was poor, frusterated, and a lost little girl with a big mouth that had no way to do ANYTHING at all.
Until our kind lil Nova_14 gave up and let me join Hopecity. After digging my plot down to bedrock and disappointedly finding only 6 diamonds down there, I then requested to join Caprica and built at least 4 "house" structures before I was finally accepted! Spent a while there, built a temple-like thingy... made my own town of Solace... and here I am.
Team9000 was my first Minecraft multiplayer server. It'll probably be my last. Even though i haven't accomplished that much in 8 months, I hope to help Team9000 become the best server it can be.
The end.
Time for my story. I first got Minecraft in early February. I started off just playing single player, made a nice server where I made three houses (one noob house, one decent house, and one barricaded house). I quickly taught myself mining techniques and lava avoidance (although it took me a while to think of using a water bucket), but I was able to explore any cavern in my way. I was afraid of the nether though for I found a Ghast that got stuck aiming at me and I feared Zombie Pigmen were hostile.

After a while, I started going online. I first hated it, finding myself stuck in a large labyrinth of a city in every server that you could only escape from by purchasing money. When I first saw Team9000 later in the month, I thought it was another dumb server that was super strict (mainly because whenever I asked to see if something was allowed, the answer was always no. like "Can I mine somewhere on the server?" "No. You can't." "Can I cut down any trees?" "No.") so I didn't play on it much. On March 1, 2012, i gave the server another shot. I met a guy who I called PizzaJack and another named AREM, who helped me in my quest to make Solaria (Of course, this includes my time spent in Oblib, but that's another story). I also first joined the website on March 1st.
All I wanted to do was build something in Classic without any assholes destroying it.

Then I wanted a promotion so I could use lava and water. So I signed up on the forums. All I need now is a promotion, real quick.



God damnit.
Sadly, hearing "I can swing my Sword, Sword" on a friend's phone in high school. I started watching Youtube videos, found T9k through one. Made an account, logged into the server, the rest is history.