Items and/or things you think should be added to minecraft itself.

Ah but every good thing must have a flaw.
Lets just say that the digging machine would destroy any ores it digs up. To balance things out.
It could cost a substantial amount of ore to build, or it could trade speed efficiency for resource efficiency (i.e. it breaks easier). If you wanted it to keep the ores intact.

Another idea is to be able to hire villagers to do the work for you...
1. Redstone and coal ore blocks (redstone blocks for vertical travel)
2. Horses (I know there are mods for them, I'm just too lazy to look them up :P)
3. Mob Cages (right click mob to trap him in it, right click again to place formerly-captured mob)
4. Torches and Glowstone glow in your hand (Once again, I've seen mods for this)
5. A use for the dragon egg, like "right click to respawn ender dragon" (so you can re-fight the dragon)
6. Birds that can fly (we need mobs in our skies)
7. Spikes (like cactus, but can be placed side to side and on walls)
8. Defense towers (like "blaze rod on top middle, redstone in true middle, and cobble/stone/iron/gold/obsidian everywhere else. 1 blaze rod=100 fireballs. Only shoots enemy mobs")
9. Lightning Rods, electric currents, and wire (To make newer creations. Can remove electric currents and wire and use redstone instead.)
10.Ultimate Weapons (weapons unclassed by type, unbreakable, and have enchantments on them)

These are 10 quick ideas that I've thought of.
A new material for swords/tools/armors, definitely. Obsidian? Lazuli? Silver? Copper? Emerald?

Dinosaurs. And a Jurassic Park biome.
New enemies. At first I was thinking about an armored mob that drops iron, but iron is renewable with zombies since 1.2.
More wool colors /dyes.
Paper flowers, you could use color dyes, and make beautiful gardens.
Snakes in the desert biomes.
A western biome, with orangeish sand, cactus, mountains and dry grass.
A volcano biome.
A new type of food farm.
Bottles o' enchanting can be found in the dungeon/stronghold chests.
Sentry guns.

+1 for the vertical redstone, horses, glowing torches in the player's hand, and spikes.
I want flares. The kind you can shoot in the sky to pull attention to a certian position.
If you are a modder make this happen.
Sprinklers that when activated water crops like wheat and sugar cane and stuff like that, and makes there growing speed increase.

Donkeys: for riding, throwing there poop at mobs, and kicking other animals with there hind legs

Locked doors: put a code on the door and then craft a key matching the doors code and when you right click the door it locks and unlocks

but most importantly.... PONIES! ADD PONIES GOD DAMNIT!
A new material for swords/tools/armors, definitely. Obsidian? Lazuli? Silver? Copper? Emerald?

Dinosaurs. And a Jurassic Park biome.
New enemies. At first I was thinking about an armored mob that drops iron, but iron is renewable with zombies since 1.2.
More wool colors /dyes.
Paper flowers, you could use color dyes, and make beautiful gardens.
Snakes in the desert biomes.
A western biome, with orangeish sand, cactus, mountains and dry grass.
A volcano biome.
A new type of food farm.
Bottles o' enchanting can be found in the dungeon/stronghold chests.
Sentry guns.

+1 for the vertical redstone, horses, glowing torches in the player's hand, and spikes.
sentry guns and teleporters are already a mod :L