Items and/or things you think should be added to minecraft itself.

I think that you should be able to smelt sandstone and get quartz. Because when you put pressure and heat onto sandstone in nature, you get quartz (or more specifically, quartzite, which can be turned into quartz).
I thought it would be nice for more structures. Like:
NPC castles
Meteor Craters (would have own biome like in Terraria)
Coral Reefs
Evil Castles
Volcanic mountains (Own Biome)
Jungle treehouse villages
NPC active mine sites (villagers will work there, minecarts and tnt are found around)
Airships (Spawn very high, but have valuable loot, villagers on board)
Vaults (Hidden areas like in caves that hold valuable loot)
War Sites (Where villagers fight eachother)
Graveyards (Higher undead spawn rates, stronger undeads, possibly ghosts and bosses?)
Fortress (like a barbarian fort)
Avalanche sites
Destroyed/burned villages
Lone NPC houses/farms (similar to witch houses)
Thief camps (minor-moderate loot, hostile mobs)

*NOTE* Many of these are mods, but I think all of these are good ideas.
More naturally generated everything would be nice. Biomes O' Plenty is an amazing mod, though a slow introduction of the new blocks would be in order (1.7, introduce 5 new blocks; 1.8, another 5, etc) to avoid overwhelming everyone. More ores would be nice, I'd actually like to see power generators (keep redstone as a basic electricity, like instrumentation IRL; add in real electricity like Voltz), definitely more generated structures.
More naturally generated everything would be nice. Biomes O' Plenty is an amazing mod, though a slow introduction of the new blocks would be in order (1.7, introduce 5 new blocks; 1.8, another 5, etc) to avoid overwhelming everyone. More ores would be nice, I'd actually like to see power generators (keep redstone as a basic electricity, like instrumentation IRL; add in real electricity like Voltz), definitely more generated structures.
I don't quite agree with power, as that would ruin its simplicity.
More generated structures, though, YES!
I don't quite agree with power, as that would ruin its simplicity.
More generated structures, though, YES!
Redstone isn't power. The way it's used in Minecraft makes me think more of instrumentation (data) cable, transmitting a simple binary signal (on, off) or, with comparators (though no-one has made a computer in Minecraft with it yet - to my knowledge), a variable signal with a base ranging from binary to hexadecimal (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f). Also: Power is simple. Redstone is complicated (relatively speaking, anyway).

Actually, that gives me an idea for a machine that automatically places wool into a picture based on hexadecimal input....