Poll: Australia or Canada?

i've seen bacon and jerky made from many things. i can see myself living on a boat in the asiatic ocean region. :D
bitches pls, reffering to vorsprongs post on 1st page a century ago
Latvia is the place to be

We've survived the Vikings
We've survived the Germans (multiple times)
We've survived the Russians (multiple times)
And we haven't been killed off by out own economy..... yet (noting our shitty economy we still drive better cars than the Brits)
also beer that competes with germans
vodka that's used in hollywood music videos
best food.

and the women...

oh and featured in hetalia ;D
so yeah, ain't nobody that can compete with that!
Great variety in seasons
Great world-wide reputation with other countries
We invented Hockey
We invented Basketball
We invented the telephone
We invented cable T.V.
There are over 2 million Canadian patents
We are one of the G-7 countries
We are a part of NATO
We are a part of NAFTA
We are one of the only countries that can put up with Americans
We have a low crime rate
Canada doesn't have the highest national debt (The U.S. does, ha!)
We have a slightly lower debt per-capita than the U.S.
We can understand American-English. (Well most of us anyway)
Canadians are polite
Canada is easy to spell
Canada is easy to pronounce
We have one of the top education systems
Canada has one of the fastest growing populations in the world
Canada introduced peace-keeping
Our government pays for medicine. In other words, no hospital bills
We have nice cities
We have clean cities
We are at peace with many countries
We are the leader in telephone technology
We have better technology than the U.S.
We made those dinosaurs in Jurassic Park
We are not stupid!!
We invented refining
Canada has more clean water than any other nation
Canada is a free and democratic society
Hockey is Canada, Canada is hockey
We know how, and when to use the word, "eh"
We have two official languages, and a leader that speaks his own
Unlike what many people think, Canadians are patriotic
We are probably the least biased country
There's a lot of famous Canadians
We don't have to worry about nukes or bombs
Lots of ski resorts
We have the world's longest bridge (P.E.I. to the mainiland)
We have the world's tallest self-supported structure (CN Tower, Toronto)
Most of us know what the CN Tower is for
We have the world's longest street (Yonge St., Toronto to somewhere near Manitoba)
We are great world-leaders with our beer
Canadians are 300% less likely to be murdered than Americans
Economy living up to most of its potential of all G7 nations
Falling crime rate
We have the 'Smarties' candy unlike Americans (Very important, isn't it?)
Our schools have less of a dicipline problem than American schools
Canadian students rank higher than American students in Math, Science, English, ...
1/3 of Microsoft programmers come from the University of Waterloo
Canadian invented the baseball glove
Canadian invented insulin
Canadian invented the kitchen stove
Titanic, written, directed and produced by a Canadian, James Cameron
Nelvana Corp. of Toronto hired to produce all American cartoons on CBS
Canadian woman second in comand at UN (American not 1st or 3rd or 4th or... in command)
Canada is the only country at the Atlanta summer olympics that sent more women than men, meaning we aren't sexist
Canada is one of the few countries with women in the millitary
Canada has a trade surplus, unlike our southern friends
Canada is slated to get rid of the deficit and debt before the U.S.
8.6% unemployment rate at the beginning of 1998 and falling rapidly
Canadian music is world reknowned
Unemployed Canadians receive higher welfare cheques than unemployed Americans
Average life expectancy of a Canadian is 79 years, the highest in the world (U.S. is 75 years)
Canadian cities lead the world in quality of life. Vancouver (1), Toronto (3), Montreal (15). Closest American city was Atlanta at thrity-something
Canadian discovered Pablum (Baby food)
Women in Ontario can walk around topless legally (For men: YES! For women: Your freedoms are expanded)
Canadian doctor at the Montreal General Hospital was able to map the human brain
Recovered bodies of the Titanic are buried in Halifax (not really something to demonstrate patriotism but an interesting fact)
Canada never owned slaves (there were slaves in Canada in the 18th century but they were owned by the British government)
Many American slaves came secretly to Canada during the American civil war
Canada receives more immigrants per capita than the U.S. (almost twice as much)
Canada among most popular tourist destinations in the world
Canadian universities are world-reknowned for quality education and cheap tuitions
Canada is one of few countries at the UN to be apart of the security counsil, giving Canada a strong voice
We've got lots of greenspace.
Canadians invented the poutine!
Great variety in seasons
Great world-wide reputation with other countries
We invented Hockey
We invented Basketball
We invented the telephone
We invented cable T.V.
There are over 2 million Canadian patents
We are one of the G-7 countries
We are a part of NATO
We are a part of NAFTA
We are one of the only countries that can put up with Americans
We have a low crime rate
Canada doesn't have the highest national debt (The U.S. does, ha!)
We have a slightly lower debt per-capita than the U.S.
We can understand American-English. (Well most of us anyway)
Canadians are polite
Canada is easy to spell
Canada is easy to pronounce
We have one of the top education systems
Canada has one of the fastest growing populations in the world
Canada introduced peace-keeping
Our government pays for medicine. In other words, no hospital bills
We have nice cities
We have clean cities
We are at peace with many countries
We are the leader in telephone technology
We have better technology than the U.S.
We made those dinosaurs in Jurassic Park
We are not stupid!!
We invented refining
Canada has more clean water than any other nation
Canada is a free and democratic society
Hockey is Canada, Canada is hockey
We know how, and when to use the word, "eh"
We have two official languages, and a leader that speaks his own
Unlike what many people think, Canadians are patriotic
We are probably the least biased country
There's a lot of famous Canadians
We don't have to worry about nukes or bombs
Lots of ski resorts
We have the world's longest bridge (P.E.I. to the mainiland)
We have the world's tallest self-supported structure (CN Tower, Toronto)
Most of us know what the CN Tower is for
We have the world's longest street (Yonge St., Toronto to somewhere near Manitoba)
We are great world-leaders with our beer
Canadians are 300% less likely to be murdered than Americans
Economy living up to most of its potential of all G7 nations
Falling crime rate
We have the 'Smarties' candy unlike Americans (Very important, isn't it?)
Our schools have less of a dicipline problem than American schools
Canadian students rank higher than American students in Math, Science, English, ...
1/3 of Microsoft programmers come from the University of Waterloo
Canadian invented the baseball glove
Canadian invented insulin
Canadian invented the kitchen stove
Titanic, written, directed and produced by a Canadian, James Cameron
Nelvana Corp. of Toronto hired to produce all American cartoons on CBS
Canadian woman second in comand at UN (American not 1st or 3rd or 4th or... in command)
Canada is the only country at the Atlanta summer olympics that sent more women than men, meaning we aren't sexist
Canada is one of the few countries with women in the millitary
Canada has a trade surplus, unlike our southern friends
Canada is slated to get rid of the deficit and debt before the U.S.
8.6% unemployment rate at the beginning of 1998 and falling rapidly
Canadian music is world reknowned
Unemployed Canadians receive higher welfare cheques than unemployed Americans
Average life expectancy of a Canadian is 79 years, the highest in the world (U.S. is 75 years)
Canadian cities lead the world in quality of life. Vancouver (1), Toronto (3), Montreal (15). Closest American city was Atlanta at thrity-something
Canadian discovered Pablum (Baby food)
Women in Ontario can walk around topless legally (For men: YES! For women: Your freedoms are expanded)
Canadian doctor at the Montreal General Hospital was able to map the human brain
Recovered bodies of the Titanic are buried in Halifax (not really something to demonstrate patriotism but an interesting fact)
Canada never owned slaves (there were slaves in Canada in the 18th century but they were owned by the British government)
Many American slaves came secretly to Canada during the American civil war
Canada receives more immigrants per capita than the U.S. (almost twice as much)
Canada among most popular tourist destinations in the world
Canadian universities are world-reknowned for quality education and cheap tuitions
Canada is one of few countries at the UN to be apart of the security counsil, giving Canada a strong voice
We've got lots of greenspace.
Canadians invented the poutine!

Polar Bears do not drop from the sky and will not serve as paratroopers in World War 3.

Kangaroo, Red Back Spider, Australian funnel-web spider, Redback spider, Brown Snake.
No, but Beavers will. Polar bears are our Shamans.
Moose, Kodiak Bear, Canadian Goose, Mountain Lion (Northwestern Cougar), Arctic Fox, Northern Wolf, Stoat, Northern Right Whale, Buffalo, Bighorn Sheep, Motherfucking Reindeer, 16 species of bat, Snowshoe and Arctic Hares, and the pictured little devil - the Pika. Yes, we Canadians are halfway to having fucking POKEMON in our great and wonderful nation.

Bitch, when WWIII starts, you gonna have Charizard up in yo' grill an' y'all gonna be like "Damn, Canada be awesome."

This is the part that got me the most
We are probably the least biased country

Now, to beat you.
You had 85 points, I can equal them (actually better them because 'STRAYA STRONK)

Great weather. Temperately hot most of the year but also refreshingly cold.
Impeccable international relations.
We invented AFL (obviously)
We invented freestyle
We invented wifi
We invented the tank
Hell, Australians are behind so many good inventions (refrigeration, penicillin, the first feature film) that it's just pointless to go on
G7's for squares. G20 and ANZUS is where it's at bitches
Also part of NATO
NAFTA is gay. APEC is better and we own that shit
We are best buds with America; you're just their hat
We have one of the lowest crime rates in the world
Australia was perhaps the best faring country in the GFC (fuck absolutely everyone and their national debts, HAH)
What's debt-per-capita? Fuck that m8
Also fuck being polite, Australians are likeable (but in all seriousness we are a nice bunch)
Australia is fun to spell
Australia is fun to pronounce ('Nada? Doesn't work. You sounds Spanish. 'Straya does though, 'STRAYA STRONK)
We're smart as balls (head of the World Bank bitches)
A growing population is not a good thing, but considering we've got so many immigrants we could probably beat you there
Ahem, no. Australia was THE first peace-keeping nation in modern history.
Australia also has public health. Silly 'Murica and your hospital bills, if I get beat up I don't have to pay a cent
Our cities are the best (beaches, bitches, beer and wildlife)
Public sanitation is important to us! Also we don't have reedonkulous amounts of snow, so haha
We are the chillest nation ever. Seriously. We such Obamacock
Telstra is shit, but we have good surf so it's okay niqqas
We have better most-things than the US
We were the setting for the Matrix
We are not ocker, go nek yourself
We invented the quantum bit, next-gen computing motherfuckers
Australia has more uranium than any country
Australia is the most free and democratic society ever m8
Hockey is not a valid point you casual. Australia is a world leader in sports, and we dominate in EVERYTHING
m8 m8 m8 m8 g'day
We have over 500 official languages, and we have a female Prime Minister. WOMEN'S RIGHTS KENT
Australians are ridiculously patriotic and there has never been any doubt
There's a gigantic amount of famous Australians
We're so deep in both the US and China's arses that we never have to do anything ever
Lots of tourism opportunities.
We have the world's coolest bridge (Harbour Bridge m8)
We have lots of big things (e.g. the Big Banana, the Big Pineapple, the Big Marino)
Everyone understands the validity of big things
We have the world's largest coral reef; so large it can be seen from space FUCKER.
Australians are 1000% more likely to have sex than Americans
Economy arguably the best in world!
Falling crime rate because we taser everything
We have Cadbury, which is proper chocolate. Also Menz. Also MnM's are better than Smarties, are you high?
Our schools are not shit. You don't have to pay money to go to a good uni.
Australian students smartest in... Oceania? We're smarter than Canadians
CSIRO best science ever
Australians invented the black box, important aviation equipment
Australians invented the surf ski, making Baywatch a reality
Australians invented the electric drill, making Hostel an engaging film
Lots of famous Australian films, such as Mad Max, Crocodile Dundee, Harvie Krumpet, and more. Also Nicole Kidman's ass
CBS is terrible. Neighbours is one of the world's most popular soap operas; we keep the British economy alive
I don't know what you're smoking about the UN, but Australia is defence council STRONK
...The Atlanta Olympics? SYDNEY OLYMPICS STRONK, new millenium trumps all, also Cathy Freeman, medals are what counts bitch
Aussie women also in military and will Austeyr your ass
Australia export to world (just read the Arnotts package! Tim Tams, coal, steel, uranium, Vegemite, etc.)
Australia already got no debt, umad?
Aussie unemployment rate of 5.4% is better than you!
I don't know Canadian music... Celine Dion and Bieber are shithouse. AC/DC NIQQA
There are less Aussie unemployed, flim-flams?
Australian life expectancy = 81.7 years, higher than you, so you're wrong. Where are you getting your facts? You're making it up.
Wrong again. Facts = incorrect, a Google search will tell you that Melbourne is the world's most liveable city
Um, baby food? 420 yo, but really Australians invented the meat pie, and many other tasty things
Women in Australia walk around topless anyway, what's your point
Did I mention penicillin? Yeah I think I did, also maybe a good time to mention that we also invented the pacemaker
Australians are the best (seeing as Downed put together a really poor arguement I think it's fair for me to state this)
Australians never owned slaves
Lol civil war
Again, you're repeating your already shitty points. Also immigration is circumstantial, not a cause for patriotism.
Australia one of world tourist hub!
You've already repeated your point here
And you repeat it again here, but it's somewhat dubious. Like, your points is so iffy yo
Australia got heaps of space
Poutine is nasty.

Need I go on?

Points matched back to back
Vorsprung smack that bitch because 'STRAYA #1
This is the part that got me the most

Now, to beat you.
You had 85 points, I can equal them (actually better them because 'STRAYA STRONK)

Great weather. Temperately hot most of the year but also refreshingly cold.
Impeccable international relations.
We invented AFL (obviously)
We invented freestyle
We invented wifi
We invented the tank
Hell, Australians are behind so many good inventions (refrigeration, penicillin, the first feature film) that it's just pointless to go on
G7's for squares. G20 and ANZUS is where it's at bitches
Also part of NATO
NAFTA is gay. APEC is better and we own that shit
We are best buds with America; you're just their hat
We have one of the lowest crime rates in the world
Australia was perhaps the best faring country in the GFC (fuck absolutely everyone and their national debts, HAH)
What's debt-per-capita? Fuck that m8
Also fuck being polite, Australians are likeable (but in all seriousness we are a nice bunch)
Australia is fun to spell
Australia is fun to pronounce ('Nada? Doesn't work. You sounds Spanish. 'Straya does though, 'STRAYA STRONK)
We're smart as balls (head of the World Bank bitches)
A growing population is not a good thing, but considering we've got so many immigrants we could probably beat you there
Ahem, no. Australia was THE first peace-keeping nation in modern history.
Australia also has public health. Silly 'Murica and your hospital bills, if I get beat up I don't have to pay a cent
Our cities are the best (beaches, bitches, beer and wildlife)
Public sanitation is important to us! Also we don't have reedonkulous amounts of snow, so haha
We are the chillest nation ever. Seriously. We such Obamacock
Telstra is shit, but we have good surf so it's okay niqqas
We have better most-things than the US
We were the setting for the Matrix
We are not ocker, go nek yourself
We invented the quantum bit, next-gen computing motherfuckers
Australia has more uranium than any country
Australia is the most free and democratic society ever m8
Hockey is not a valid point you casual. Australia is a world leader in sports, and we dominate in EVERYTHING
m8 m8 m8 m8 g'day
We have over 500 official languages, and we have a female Prime Minister. WOMEN'S RIGHTS KENT
Australians are ridiculously patriotic and there has never been any doubt
There's a gigantic amount of famous Australians
We're so deep in both the US and China's arses that we never have to do anything ever
Lots of tourism opportunities.
We have the world's coolest bridge (Harbour Bridge m8)
We have lots of big things (e.g. the Big Banana, the Big Pineapple, the Big Marino)
Everyone understands the validity of big things
We have the world's largest coral reef; so large it can be seen from space FUCKER.
Australians are 1000% more likely to have sex than Americans
Economy arguably the best in world!
Falling crime rate because we taser everything
We have Cadbury, which is proper chocolate. Also Menz. Also MnM's are better than Smarties, are you high?
Our schools are not shit. You don't have to pay money to go to a good uni.
Australian students smartest in... Oceania? We're smarter than Canadians
CSIRO best science ever
Australians invented the black box, important aviation equipment
Australians invented the surf ski, making Baywatch a reality
Australians invented the electric drill, making Hostel an engaging film
Lots of famous Australian films, such as Mad Max, Crocodile Dundee, Harvie Krumpet, and more. Also Nicole Kidman's ass
CBS is terrible. Neighbours is one of the world's most popular soap operas; we keep the British economy alive
I don't know what you're smoking about the UN, but Australia is defence council STRONK
...The Atlanta Olympics? SYDNEY OLYMPICS STRONK, new millenium trumps all, also Cathy Freeman, medals are what counts bitch
Aussie women also in military and will Austeyr your ass
Australia export to world (just read the Arnotts package! Tim Tams, coal, steel, uranium, Vegemite, etc.)
Australia already got no debt, umad?
Aussie unemployment rate of 5.4% is better than you!
I don't know Canadian music... Celine Dion and Bieber are shithouse. AC/DC NIQQA
There are less Aussie unemployed, flim-flams?
Australian life expectancy = 81.7 years, higher than you, so you're wrong. Where are you getting your facts? You're making it up.
Wrong again. Facts = incorrect, a Google search will tell you that Melbourne is the world's most liveable city
Um, baby food? 420 yo, but really Australians invented the meat pie, and many other tasty things
Women in Australia walk around topless anyway, what's your point
Did I mention penicillin? Yeah I think I did, also maybe a good time to mention that we also invented the pacemaker
Australians are the best (seeing as Downed put together a really poor arguement I think it's fair for me to state this)
Australians never owned slaves
Lol civil war
Again, you're repeating your already shitty points. Also immigration is circumstantial, not a cause for patriotism.
Australia one of world tourist hub!
You've already repeated your point here
And you repeat it again here, but it's somewhat dubious. Like, your points is so iffy yo
Australia got heaps of space
Poutine is nasty.

Need I go on?

Points matched back to back
Vorsprung smack that bitch because 'STRAYA #1
Aside from the equally baseless facts, not-even-a-fact facts, and general lack of decor in you; we don't have a giant hole of hot dryness in the middle of our country. Australia's like a 1950's pornstar - she was good 60 years ago but now you have to add a lot of lube and have a 24" wide dick to enjoy her. Canada's more like that halfway frigid gal with actual standards who you just know is tight as a jar of pickles, but you'll never get with her cause you're already friendzoned.

Actually, I think we'd best call it a draw before someone decides to mix maple syrup and a jar of piss and accidentally creates a black hole.
Aside from the equally baseless facts, not-even-a-fact facts, and general lack of decor in you; we don't have a giant hole of hot dryness in the middle of our country. Australia's like a 1950's pornstar - she was good 60 years ago but now you have to add a lot of lube and have a 24" wide dick to enjoy her. Canada's more like that halfway frigid gal with actual standards who you just know is tight as a jar of pickles, but you'll never get with her cause you're already friendzoned.
And yet you'll ignore the gaping standards in Downed's shitness

I've already nominated Latvia, and we can all say that Latvia is funny.
