Star Citizen

I can start one if you want. I will start a PM with everyone in this thread, and once I start getting some input we can go from there. For the most part though, go for the ship you would enjoy most, and expand from there.

The awesome thing about Star Citizen is the organization feature they have. We started an organization and other than chat benefits, they will soon be opening a fleet section that lets people view all of the ships in the organization. As it sounds, an organization will have it's own fleet financed by the members. So in other words, grab the ships you want and eventually we can provide the ships needed for certain jobs via the organization.

If you're interested in joining, we started a company since it seemed to fit the universe better than the team9000 name did. It's a corporation called the Empyrean Trade Corporation. Feel free to join or we can send you a request if you give us a username.
I can start one if you want. I will start a PM with everyone in this thread, and once I start getting some input we can go from there. For the most part though, go for the ship you would enjoy most, and expand from there.

The awesome thing about Star Citizen is the organization feature they have. We started an organization and other than chat benefits, they will soon be opening a fleet section that lets people view all of the ships in the organization. As it sounds, an organization will have it's own fleet financed by the members. So in other words, grab the ships you want and eventually we can provide the ships needed for certain jobs via the organization.

If you're interested in joining, we started a company since it seemed to fit the universe better than the team9000 name did. It's a corporation called the Empyrean Trade Corporation. Feel free to join or we can send you a request if you give us a username.
Sounds good, I'll definitely send in an application as soon as I've purchased a ship. I'll probably go with the Avenger or a 300i variant... not certain yet. Gah, is there any news as to when Alpha will start? I know I probably shouldn't be holding my breath, but the scale of this game is just so exciting to think about, and I'm itching to see some real gameplay.
Sounds good, I'll definitely send in an application as soon as I've purchased a ship. I'll probably go with the Avenger or a 300i variant... not certain yet. Gah, is there any news as to when Alpha will start? I know I probably shouldn't be holding my breath, but the scale of this game is just so exciting to think about, and I'm itching to see some real gameplay.

Dogfighting is scheduled for an end of PAX East release
A simple diagram showing how the stages of Star Citizen will be available/when they will be released. Also, to my understanding SQ 42 (the Campaign) Will be released alongside the alpha, beta, and release of the persistent universe. So my guess is we will be able to occupy ourselves with the Campaign well before the main game even comes out.
A simple diagram showing how the stages of Star Citizen will be available/when they will be released. Also, to my understanding SQ 42 (the Campaign) Will be released alongside the alpha, beta, and release of the persistent universe. So my guess is we will be able to occupy ourselves with the Campaign well before the main game even comes out.

According to Chris Roberts, Squadron 42 will release in alpha first, as it begins the basis for the persistent universe, which won't come out until almost beta of the campaign.
Let me summarize the events of the reveal so far :


I'm having a blast. No, seriously, this is great. No sarcasm.
Well...that was incredible but my god a disaster. I honestly expected the game to crash constantly but ugh, couldn't have gone any worse. Still, I think this is cause nobody has ever had a full demo and premier for a game using a pre alpha build, with game breaking bugs less then 24 hours prior to release. Feel really bad for Chris, hope he can go drink this off and whoever the ass hats in the crowd were go thoroughly hang yourselves cause jesus christ there is nothing worse then a drunk nerd (please tell me you weren't one of those people Casey).

Enjoy this video to sooth off the cringe of the presentation
wait what exactly happened? I'm confused because other than people bitching about a alpha build of the game have "game breaking" features I thought the game was well received for the most part

Chris Roberts used the term "This is bullshit" during his PAX presentation a few times, and as you can see, it has taken off on the forums. It's pretty much only a joke.