Steal the chicken game

Finally! Since I'm at a friends house I can use his onnection (since mine is down due to unknown reasons).
Praying to god that I can go online at home again and that the chiccken may return to me with his powers.
And by a chance of unknown number to one the chicken suddenly appears out of nowhere.
Chicken is mine, but for how long?!? :cautious:
*turns on computer, takes chicken, and puts it in an Dalekanium cube, one hat has no way in, no way out, and is infinitely bigger on the inside, cause im a timelord, I can do that.
*turns on computer, takes chicken, and puts it in an Dalekanium cube, one hat has no way in, no way out, and is infinitely bigger on the inside, cause im a timelord, I can do that.
*reveals that the one on the computer was a duplicate file and runs off with the actual chicken.
*reveals that the one on the computer was a duplicate file and runs off with the actual chicken.

Sniper rifles Pyrofiredelta in the head. Takes chicken, genetically clones 10 identical chickens, kills original chicken. Places 10 identical clone chickens in the 10 different time vortex's of the 5th dimensional paradigm. Only 1 way in and no way out.
Sniper rifles Pyrofiredelta in the head. Takes chicken, genetically clones 10 identical chickens, kills original chicken. Places 10 identical clone chickens in the 10 different time vortex's of the 5th dimensional paradigm. Only 1 way in and no way out.
*Breaks physics and recovers all 10 chickens. Sacrifices the 10 chickens to bring back the original chicken. Uses more physics hacks to gain immortality.
Pyro's actually in a coma, imagining all what he did, recovering from the sniper rifle shot.

I take the chicken because it was sitting on the road, trying to cross it. Poor guy was about to get to the other side.
Simply steal the chicken, date it, marry it, have children with it. Now dare you stealing the mother of a happy family :D
Takes Pyros chicken, realises its a Chichuman, removes chicken DNA, isolates it, then makes a completely chicken chicken, and puts it into a box, under my bed, in the Void.
*Was already hiding under the bed. Waits for Pyrhos to fall asleep. Puts a Chichuman in the box, takes the chicken, and flees to the local butcher shop.