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Team9000 Community Minecraft Project

This is the last thing I ever saw on the server... I have no regrets other than that I never was able to finish my city
Tonight, I will be shutting down the Team9000 1.0 Minecraft server(s). The world map will be available for download almost immediately, with the same limitations as our world maps have always had ("You are authorized to host these maps on your own server, but MUST attribute Team9000 both on your website, if you have one, as well as on signs near the spawn point.")

I have been on and seen many Minecraft servers shutdown / lose players for many reasons. Based on that I am glad this server ended because of the presence of awesome community servers and not because of Admin Incompetence. Because of this I have mainly fond memories of T9K Minecraft in place of the bad memories from the end of other servers. It is sad to see it go but it is good that it went well.

I hope the future community run servers do as well as the past server.

Also out of curiosity, what were the specs on the host for the T9K SMP server?
This is the last thing I ever saw on the server... I have no regrets other than that I never was able to finish my city

Hey I was working on a city my self too. and all i could make was a general store, half made Barn, path way and two statue Wooty and Ozy..... I will finish one day....
Tonight, I will be shutting down the Team9000 1.0 Minecraft server(s). The world map will be available for download almost immediately, Wooty

Old news, but Sucks...sucks...sucks...sucks...sucks...sucks...(much pent up aggression)
I've been on T9k Minecraft for such a long time, even if the first thing I did was get myself banned from it.

I used to play there with my IRL friends before immersing myself in the community with Hobo Town and such, a few of my IRL friends even tagged along for a bit.

I stuck with the Minecraft community for a while. It was the most fun I had playing any game online. It was a huge part of my life at the time.

Thanks for everything, T9k Minecraft.


  • 2012-12-17_17.58.21.png
    103 KB · Views: 174
WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT? Like, the server as in, the free version of minecraft? Or the server for 'premium' minecraft? Like with Lufenia and ascension and such?!?
For three years, T9k's minecraft server has been my ''in and out'' date..bes tever <3
It gave me better understanding at building, playing and having fun in MC. Many thanks to everyone who contributed in any way or another to this great server.