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The wayward seafaring town of Maridia

So, I was thinking a white district perhaps? Just a sample pattern
Just like to apologise for the long afk period I've been in. Exams and a crap ton of homework have led me to not be active in the town. Hopefully I'll have some spare time soon to start helping on the numerous projects I've missed out on.

Secondly please stop taking all the freaking carts from the chests, I've had to waste most of my iron to replenish the chest because some ass hat keeps on taking a large amount of carts or isn't obliged to take a 2 second detour and replace said cart.

lastly can whomever is running the Maridiatown room add me to the whitelist? Thanks for your time.

Edit: Probably a old issue but the tree farm near "The giant tower in the sky who's name I forget" is partially in claimed land.
hi ive been thinking but maybe we should ask sonic about enableing ender chests so we can connect the public storages or transport resources from a outpost to main storage :D
hi ive been thinking but maybe we should ask sonic about enableing ender chests so we can connect the public storages or transport resources from a outpost to main storage :D
Kind of have to wait for 1.3 to come out first. You don't simply enable ender chests.
im just makeing a suggestion for when it does come out
It doesn't need to be "enabled" once the server is updated for 1.3. It will just be there.

Also, they're per player now. Meaning, only stuff you put in there will show up for you. Basically the same as the piggy bank and safe in Terraria, if you're familiar with that game.
Ok, seriously, can someone talk to crabbie? I started work on the new port and district yesterday, I log in today and all my work is wiped and crabbie has claimed the plot. I don't know if he just doesn't read this thread but it is quite rude. Not to mention He locked the chest where I had supplies.