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The wayward seafaring town of Maridia

Ohai all! Bengal: didn't know your work was wiped, I had crabbie take the plot off of MarcAurelius as you requested the plots ahead of time for your port project. Crabbie is gonna give the plots back to ya on that.

Skryter: You'll have to get with foxzm on that as that is his room.

willrut: someone messed with your plots? I know crabbie was doing a dirt/grass thing down to the road above the boat but I specifically asked him not to mess with your boat.

To all: If there is ever any changes on your plots without your knowing please don't hesitate to put in a grief report for admins to check the history on missing blocks/items. I really need to know who did what and the only way to find out is through this means. Thank you for understanding ladies and gents. Also never touch/repair grief as that ruins the history.

skyder I was not aware that ur plots were messed with... when im online when u r please bring me to where ur plot got meesed up and ill take care of it for u bengal i found out that someone was building a railway in the area u want to make ur port and asked him to stop till bored can speak with him so i stoped that for u . when u and i r on the same time i will give the plots to u so building on it will stop unless u allow it ok
As far as willrut123 is concerned i applyed a grass area near ur plots but stoped before i got anywhere near ur ship so i dont think i did anything wrong but if i did without knowing, let me know and ill help u rebuild it
Patience young one! PATIENCE! We are still in the nomination period of the elections so I would encourage all those who wish to run/nominate do so before this month ends. As next month is when the fun begins :D.


edit: bwhahahahaha, the tiny okay... has totally made my day :rofl:
no someone started turning them into a tree house now they messed with how i had it arranged by adding extra rows and the slabs i used to keep track of were to put saplings
bengal i found out that someone was building a railway in the area u want to make ur port and asked him to stop till bored can speak with him so i stoped that for u

It took all that cobble and wiping the area to stop a guy?

@bored I don't believe Marc's plot was in the way if he wants it.
We may need to have furkey do a history check on the minecart chest if massive amounts of carts keep disappearing at that chest, be aware the system we'll be implementing in the next town design will be far more efficient then the current chest system :).

It took all that cobble and wiping the area to stop a guy?

@bored I don't believe Marc's plot was in the way if he wants it.
no i was mistaken on the area of where u were u built on an unowned lot and when u built there it was dirrectly over my ship so i took it over to protect ther chests that was over that plot on my ship what i can do for u is return all the mats u used on that build and i can make a road for u to make a port al ur own all u need to do is to tell me where and ill build the road for u ok again im sry i wiped the area i have all ur mats ask for them when u see me online
When I found Marks' plot, he told me that he didnt know that he had à plot there.

And have anybody already seen the new tree farm (it isnt finished), its in front of fox-news house. (its à private plot, to protect some chests, But its going to be public.