Voltz Server

So today I spawned in and found this grief:

Who ever has done it, please tell me. I automaticly assumed tshin, because he always is doing this crap to me, plus he said he visited my base. Then he said fox killed tsh, so I am not sure.
If you can't find his base you're blind. Giant sandstone castle in a jungle/swamp floating over water within 100 blocks of spawn....not the smartest location.
How much experience you have with the modpack: Some
What parts of the modpack you are specifically interested in: Universal Electricity
If there are any portions of the modpack you'd like to see specifically disabled (assuming they are able to be disabled): Nope
If PvP is a thing you like (I ask because, well, plasma guns and missiles): No opinion
Any other compatible mods you'd like to see added on to the server: nope
Any Bukkit Plugins you'd like to see: Nope
Your IGN: Rev80
Gurw, any possibility of getting HeroChat on the server? It's a chat plugin that allows easier pming and allows you to create private chat channels.
I'm glad the server is up but Um. Does anyone have tutorials or links to them for Voltz? I was playing for a bit but is quite confusing tbh.
Gurw, any possibility of getting HeroChat on the server? It's a chat plugin that allows easier pming and allows you to create private chat channels.
Definitely a possibility in the future. I'm working on getting Bukkit onto the server, just ironing out some wrinkles. It's the first step to getting the server graylisted, and adding real mods without giving them OP ;)
☑ jigadirasu added to the whitelist
☑ sasquatch_legend added to the whitelist
☑ zahldar added to the whitelist
☑ mcfar45 added to the whitelist
☑ sevendayringer added to the whitelist
☑ rev80 uber-added to the whitelist 'cause he's like, 80 reverends in one awesome package.

Expect a PM with the IP shortly. If you haven't already, head to http://www.technicpack.net/voltz/ to get the launcher, and follow the instructions in the OP in order to update to the version we're playing with.

I can't emphasize this enough: FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE OP. People who try to log on without properly updated mods add a touch of lag to the server, not something any of us like.
My plan is simple: Find a nice mountain and create a complete habitat inside. Y'all can go about mutually destroying yourselves while I sit back sipping mushroom stew in a utopic underground wonderland
My plan is simple: Find a nice mountain and create a complete habitat inside. Y'all can go about mutually destroying yourselves while I sit back sipping mushroom stew in a utopic underground wonderland
oh my gosh your photo...I am done...I love you rev...cmer and make babies with me.
My plan is simple: Find a nice mountain and create a complete habitat inside. Y'all can go about mutually destroying yourselves while I sit back sipping mushroom stew in a utopic underground wonderland

Do it! I gonna occupy a island with my milita and watch the world burn ;)
My plan is simple: Find a nice mountain and create a complete habitat inside. Y'all can go about mutually destroying yourselves while I sit back sipping mushroom stew in a utopic underground wonderland
Until I leave random traps in your utopian wonderland :)

I mean.....I would never do that....
Soo... At +600 + 1600 (11) there seems to be something crashing me every time, It's taken alot of relogs to move from the location..
Looking to join the Voltz Sever.

1.How much experience you have with the mod-pack - does tekkit count? i did tekkit quite a while. but voltz i didnt do any.
2.What parts of the mod-pack you are specifically interested in - non specific
3.If there are any portions of the mod-pack you'd like to see specifically disabled (assuming they are able to be disabled) - cannot say until i played it quite a time
4.If PvP is a thing you like (I ask because, well, plasma guns and missiles) - dont mind pvp. Happens from time to time and can be fun
5.Any other compatible mods you'd like to see added on to the server - hmmmm
6.Any Bukkit Plugins you'd like to see - nope
7.Your IGN - peegee84