What dead, presumed dead, and / or extinct game series you want back?

I want a new Jade Empire game. I thought that was the bee's knees the first time I played it. BioWare has something going with the RPGs in that fasion. I love them :D

Also, I am a little surprised that no one has mentioned Splatterhouse.
Sonic the hedgehog (arcade game) if not the first actaul sonic game, the first (and most notably last) to feature Ray the flying Squrriel. it also included Mighty the armadillo, and it was a 3-d -esque isometric veiwed game. Oh, and knuckles' Chaotix; amazing game, featured team chaotix: Vector the Crocodile, Espio the chameleon, and Charmy bee, along with Mighty the armadillo (last game he was ever truly in) such a fun game, only played it once.


Hell I'd buy them.
-Mega Man
Don't think Mega Man is anywhere near dead or perceived to be. There was the 25th anniversary release, which albeit was just all the existing titles, but you've also got Street Fighter X Mega Man (PC Only I believe) back in December and Capcom has mentioned a possible new release sometime this year.

As far as title(s) I'd love to see come back:
Earthworm Jim
I miss every cartoon platformer that once was on the PS1. When my kid brains and fingers enjoyed just pressing the "X" button because "X" is icon for JUMP, and everything else did nothing.
Why do all of you forget portal ;(

But... It ended very well. And Valve used pretty much every new idea they had in Portal 2 to get the singleplayer to a decent length. As much as I would love a new game, it would be much the same. I will miss the characters, but if you want more puzzle solving then there is always the player created levels.
I would say Age of Empires but I am getting a new game next month. I guess I want Star Wars Battlefront back then