What would happen if....

Then all of the bronies would lose their minds when they learn about the live action movie, but a handful will immediately become angered when they learn who directed it, the rest would either not know who Shyamalan is or would simply just not read that part. The plot of movie would be to drag the pilot out as much as possible, while sprinkling in as many nods to the other episodes as possible, and since this is post The Sixth Sense Shyamalan, it is done poorly. On top of that, the ponies don't look like anything that resembles a real pony or their animated counterparts and all of the names are now mispronounced (i.e. Twilight Sparkle = Twilt Spurkle, Rainbow Dash = Rinbo Dish). Despite how poorly acted, written or how bad the effects look, majority of bronies will still be blinded by sheer hype while the rest of them (those who understand what makes a good movie) will say they didn't watch it because they're not brain dead fanboys who watch anything with ponies in them. By the way, the twist at the end is it was Earth all along.

What would happen if Rome never fell?
Then all of the bronies would lose their minds when they learn about the live action movie, but a handful will immediately become angered when they learn who directed it, the rest would either not know who Shyamalan is or would simply just not read that part. The plot of movie would be to drag the pilot out as much as possible, while sprinkling in as many nods to the other episodes as possible, and since this is post The Sixth Sense Shyamalan, it is done poorly. On top of that, the ponies don't look like anything that resembles a real pony or their animated counterparts and all of the names are now mispronounced (i.e. Twilight Sparkle = Twilt Spurkle, Rainbow Dash = Rinbo Dish). Despite how poorly acted, written or how bad the effects look, majority of bronies will still be blinded by sheer hype while the rest of them (those who understand what makes a good movie) will say they didn't watch it because they're not brain dead fanboys who watch anything with ponies in them. By the way, the twist at the end is it was Earth all along.

What would happen if Rome never fell?
I'd live in Rome, Rome then.

What would happen if Georgia state tests were actually difficult?
Then the cast of Walking Dead would know what a zombie was

What would happy if Pokemon Green was translated and shipped to American shores while still being on gameboy?
Then I'd be very confused with the the new direction Nintendo would be taking....that or very impressed with their direction.

What would happen if there was a permanent grey cloud over Cleveland? Scratch that there already is

What would happen if a race of lizard people began living among us, doing the same routine shit that humans do?
We'll implicate the "seperate but equal" law, since they aren't human and it's technically allowed.

What would happen if men and women were naturally homosexual?
Then heterosexuality would be a sin, and we'd use straight bashing slurs like "breeder."

What would happen if Google never bought Youtube?
(Personally never watched it) Then Evolution would've been a cartoon as well.

What would happen if guns shot hot dogs instead of bullets?
We would use bullets between hot dog buns instead of hot dogs.

What would happen if we used corns instead of blades on knives?
Then Bob's Army would not have formed.

What would happen if Code Lyoko: Evolution was just as good as the cartoon?

(Also, In reference to the question posed by Amaterasu, this is relevant) http://youtu.be/CnOJgDW0gPI
Sorry, have to answer this. Then half the cast wouldn't look like they're 2 and would atleast vaguely resemble the original characters (looking at you, Odd.)

Then self harm would be much much harder.

What would happen if Michael Bay directed a chick-flick?
Then there'd still be tons of explosions and a phoned in romantic sub-plot. Sorry but even if it was a chick flick all Michael Bay movies come out the same (Yet I'm still going to Transformers 4).

What would happen if time stopped around you and 3 of your friends for 10 years? What would you do? (I should add during the stopped time you're still aging but everything else around you isn't. It's like the second series finale to Futurama)
Then there'd still be tons of explosions and a phoned in romantic sub-plot. Sorry but even if it was a chick flick all Michael Bay movies come out the same (Yet I'm still going to Transformers 4).

What would happen if time stopped around you and 3 of your friends for 10 years? What would you do? (I should add during the stopped time you're still aging but everything else around you isn't. It's like the second series finale to Futurama)
Then you'd be super old. Also, if time stopped, how would you know 10 years would pass?
Trick question: There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

What would happen if the moon was really just one big alien egg.
It would be dead because it wouldn't be able to breath

What would happen if the website was true to the comic and it was Team8000?
Then Wooty better get his shit together.

What would happen if Bacon grew a fourth nipple?
(I heard what you asked!)