What would happen if....

We'd all be dead from being pushed into the cold vacuum of space (both off the Earth and away from the Sun.)

What would happen if I left Team9000? (O the humanity!)
Then nobody on Team9000 would be Bored. Nobody would be Bored.

What if Daleks suddenly appeared on Earth, yet they were nice, peaceful ones?
EXTERMINATE! No Daleks are peaceful.

What would happen if I pooped on your car? (next person to answer.)

@Pyrhos I'm a nobody then?
Then my car would smell.
What would happen if time happened all at once.
@Bored I was making a pun on your name.
Then it would be TIME FOR HEAVEN!!!!!

What would happen if the Man of Steel sequel didn't put any other heroes in it?
Then it would be Man of Steel, again.

What would happen if Godzilla was real, physically capable of living, fed on sunlight, and didn't go on a rampage every time some daikaiju poked him with a stick?
Then it would be Man of Steel, again.

What would happen if Godzilla was real, physically capable of living, fed on sunlight, and didn't go on a rampage every time some daikaiju poked him with a stick?
We'd show him our peacful ways, by force!

What if people could make things taste like they want to?
Then we'd all eat healthy, since healthy stuff now tastes good.

What would happen if Pyhros never watched Dr. Who?
Then all white girls couldn't even.

What would happen if someone came up with a creative answer on this thread?

(inb4 "Then there'd be a creative answer")
Well, simultaneously, all T9K'ers would collectively realize there is more to life than just giving borderline answers to simple questions, and would begin to use a diverse and intricate display of vocabulary, while also giving peculiar, shrewd, and reasonable answers.

What would happen if people actually follow what I say?
Then I, personally, would no longer be salty about this situation in particular and then this thread would be fun again. Honestly though, I couldn't tell ya, it's not like I can see the future or into alternate universes.......wait that gives me a great question!

What would happen if goats had wings!?
Then pigs would also fly.

What would happen if I never joined Team9000?
(Also, the world would explode if I never saw Doctor Who)
Then no one would keep track of time on T9k.

What would happen if Death appeared to you as a being on Earth and said your best friend's time was up?
Then no one would keep track of time on T9k.

What would happen if Death appeared to you as a being on Earth and said your best friend's time was up?
I would laugh and say, "I have no friends"

What would happen if it be like it is but it do?
Then it would do like it did but not how it did or happen why like it happen. But do be how it do....except after two.

What would happen if I finished this sent
Then it would do like it did but not how it did or happen why like it happen. But do be how it do....except after two.

What would happen if I finished this sent

What would happen if anyone really went as far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Then all of my wat will form into the Titan Kronos and rek da wurld.

What would happen if we were all as sexy and chiseled as Greek gods and goddesses?
Then we'd be more drunk than the person next to us.

What would happen if you used cardboard instead of paper to write essays?