Xbox One

Well trip hawkins (founder of EA) though it was a good idea to sell it for 699 on launch date for the 3DO, beat that Ken Kutaragi !!!
lol 700 for a system. i could get a used car that has most of the bells and whistles for that. If you doubt me my second vehicle was a 96 jeep and i bought it for $600 had it for 2 years then sold it for the same price.
lol 700 for a system. i could get a used that has most of the bells and whistles for that. If you doubt me my second vehicle was a 96 jeep and i bought it for $600 had it for 2 years then sold it for the same price.

Trip Hawkins thought he had the "future of games" which was true but he over price it. It was like a ps one back in 1993. Instead of EA producing the console themselves, they licensed pansonic, Sanyo and LG. That's why it was so ridiculous over priced. And there third party support was dead awful. Heck, it was the "Times Magazine Game console of the year" yet funny that trip Hawkins pulled the plug in 97. :P

Sorry, i went to the dark side of the geek consoles.
lol 700 for a system. i could get a used that has most of the bells and whistles for that. If you doubt me my second vehicle was a 96 jeep and i bought it for $600 had it for 2 years then sold it for the same price.
Please set me up with your Jeep dealers,
I need me some 'Murican 4 wheel drivin' at that price.

Also don't worry about how utterly terrible the Xbox One is, Piston will come out eventually, along with Source 2 and HL3, and everything will be okay
Please set me up with your Jeep dealers,
I need me some 'Murican 4 wheel drivin' at that price.

Also don't worry about how utterly terrible the Xbox One is, Piston will come out eventually, along with Source 2 and HL3, and everything will be okay

when that happens, i'll play this...
on the subject of next gen consoles here is zero punctuation's review of the next gen consoles

I usually dislike cynical (pseudo)British guys like Simon Cowell because it is in bad taste to criticize ordinary people who have real lives and pay real taxes. That's a real dick move to use English like that.

But not Yahtzee though. It's okay to rip on our favorite publishers who make tons of money off people who expect quality things. He's using his (pseudo)British cynicism for good.

... once this abomination called the xbox 1 is relesed, I'm going to tell my pro clan I quit. they tell me that I need to buy the new xbox, I quit f**k no, I'm not doing it!

Francis: I hate DMR!

I'm keeping hope that microsoft doesn't cut support for windows 7! they do that I will be happy to use linux again.
So my mother said she's not going to buy an Xbox One. That surprised me, given that she's a huge Halo fan.

A really huge Halo fan.

She'd buy the Halo Christmas Special if it existed...and then watch it more than once.

Yet she is currently hating Microsoft and all of its actions. She makes me proud.
for those of us interested in more info about the features of the xbox one (including used game info and privacy) click here!

Needless to say while they cleared up somethings it seems like they took another step backwards as well.
I still see no good reason, beyond a pure money grab, why game companies feel that they are being slighted by the resell market and are entitled to some of the proceeds. I buy a car and sell it in two years, does Ford care that they aren't getting a cut? No. Same goes for a home purchases, cell phones, pretty much any other tangible piece of property that you can own. They throw around language about how they have to continue supporting that person even if they aren't the original purchaser so they've lost income? What? Soooo - what if the bloke who bought it originally was still playing, you'd still be supporting him/her regardless. If you're worried about money still having to be funneled into keeping servers online to support a player who didn't directly pay your outrageous $60 pricetag, here's a quick fix, give us the fucking ability to run our own local servers like we used to be able to when games were still fun years after their release (CoD 4, Diablo I/II, and prior) and could be modded to their hearts content. I still miss the good 'ol days of Battlefield 1942 with the Desert Combat mod.

I think that's why I have a bit of a jaded or hatred view to most of the newer titles or series (Bleak Ops, Battlefield 4,000, etc.). Sure, they're fun and all at the start, but you're playing experience is strictly limited to what the developer provides you with, along with those overpriced DLC packs that, given the cynisist in me, were probably made at the same time as the game and left out to bring in more revenue.

Practically gone are the days that ground-breaking titles like Doom brought to the gaming world. Anybody with an idea and some time could put out their own little mod pack for the world to enjoy, or scoff at if it was a real corn-laden turd. You could fire up your own server to play until the wee hours of the morning at your local LAN party. Talk about a waste of bandwidth, since some of today's games require persistant connections, you basically have 15+ people hitting the internet just so they can play with 14 other people sitting in the same room as them.

Some of the ideas that MS fleshed out in the recent news update are kind of cool, the whole sharing with family and whatnot, but that's one tiny step forward compared to the near Orwellian environment that will come about with this platform.
Microsoft cancel their post E3 press conference?

Hooray for more unanswered questions! Microsoft has further driven their future of "gaming" into a poop hole.
We want answers. They insist on giving them, but not how we want it. Instead of a Q&A, they will end up doing the poorly scripted crap. And confuse thousands upon thousands of potential customers. At E3 their time on stage will make or break their future console. A that point, they are going to find a other job before they get nailed in a coffin. lets hope ps4 doesn't follow the same path too. build for gamers made by gamers? Bullsh*t......