Recent content by BaconJim

  1. BaconJim

    Music Links Thread :D
  2. BaconJim

    StTheo's Vanilla Server

    placing torches in the arena won't help, as most of the mobs are spawning in the spawn rooms, above and below the arena.
  3. BaconJim

    StTheo's Vanilla Server

    cacher97 seemed to have a reason for cursing you a lot.. he was pretty mad at you, for some reason. he probably had no idea that your 'uber gear' couldn't withstand a curse from a 1-day-old god...
  4. BaconJim

    StTheo's Vanilla Server

    heh heh. forgive me if i don't believe anything you say.
  5. BaconJim

    StTheo's Vanilla Server

    the only guy who lost items was TheGurw, and he lost them on purpose. when the lightning struck, instead of moving away from the flames, he jumped into them. i stood there and watched him run INTO the flames multiple times, right next to the water. of everyone who was cursed, he was the only...
  6. BaconJim

    StTheo's Vanilla Server

    i guess it's ok to cause unhappiness, as long as curses aren't involved? it's not like i cursed people because i was happy with them. ' i'm glad that i cursed csimiami, for being a dick, and i'd do it again 100 times. totally worth the ban.
  7. BaconJim

    StTheo's Vanilla Server

    it's true, kris begged him like 6 times to get cursed, and he asked if he was sure, multiple times and you got a 3 day ban, just as i did... and cacher97, seems like we all got the same ban length?
  8. BaconJim

    StTheo's Vanilla Server

    that pyramid isn't wilderness, it's in an outpost, and the mobs were toggled off at the time note that once the altar is clicked on, the god keeps cursing by itself until you turn it off.
  9. BaconJim

    StTheo's Vanilla Server

    i think you're sugar coating that juuuust a little. what TheGurw said was much more offensive and childish. your whole statement is completely biased in an attempt to make cacher97's actions look worse than they were. just be patient until StTheo gets a chance to resolve this.
  10. BaconJim

    StTheo's Vanilla Server

    i admitted to contnuing it, harmlessly, for a very brief period, in which nobody was hurt. a grave for not hurting anyone? fuck you.
  11. BaconJim

    StTheo's Vanilla Server

    you're wrong. I didn't kill anybody, so stop accusing me. cacher97 just stated in game that it was him.
  12. BaconJim

    StTheo's Vanilla Server

    during the 1 minute in which i continued his curse, on his behalf, after his client froze, nobody died from the curse. I didn't kill anybody.
  13. BaconJim

    not late. it's today. thanks, pal

    not late. it's today. thanks, pal
  14. BaconJim

    crazy1redneck Ban Appeal

    you made your point clear several times, but it's an invalid point. just give up and go away please. You're starting to make me 'Unhappy'