Recent content by Niamph

  1. Niamph

    Setting personal spawn point

    There should be a /sethome function as the server doesn't work very well. I do always spawn somewhere in Skylands and have to walk for about 20mins everytime. It kinda sucks when I always have to walk back to our city again...
  2. Niamph

    Appeal ACTIVATE

    I like PacoSanchez he seems to be a nice and funny guy.
  3. Niamph

    Ban request - Neghvar (Grief)

    Pic or it didn't happen ;)
  4. Niamph

    Ban request - Neghvar (Grief)

    Lava killing results in ban. You admit you've did this. There is no situation which justifies this fact. As NeghVar seems to be a nice person and you lava killed him your chances to get him banned are quite small. Guess you are the person who has to appeal here soon.
  5. Niamph

    Ban request - Neghvar (Grief)

    Actually Brewer admit that he killed NeghVar with Lava. This is as far as I know not legal. I guess he will soon have to face his punishment. Just go on and create attention, Brewer. :D
  6. Niamph

    Ban for Stealing/Griefing

    I'll guess this thread shows nothing... It only shows that you owned yourself in a very italay way as you admited stealing from other people.
  7. Niamph

    Ban these people :P

    Ok, this spam sucks. But don't know why admins should ban this other guy just for saying the word "fuck"... Ooops, I said it too plx no ban me
  8. Niamph

    Harassment: Warning graphic Language

    I guess they do have a special humor.
  9. Niamph

    Ban Request

    Screen or it didn't happen.
  10. Niamph

    Ban Appeal

    Actually you will have a problem on several other servers, too, as this issues regards your reputation. There's a network of several Minecraft servers which gives you a reputation. Every player starts with a reputation of 10 and if one gets banned you loose 1 point of reputation. A reputation...
  11. Niamph


    If this error occures just restart your Minecraft or try to log on few minutes later.
  12. Niamph

    Ban Question (Not Appeal)

    I hope you stay banned as you still have a lack of understanding. Also I'm happy that this Echonia City was deleted as you two guys made a lot of people unhappy with your actions.
  13. Niamph

    ban request for italay91

    Ain't you and Shark Skull brothers??? Can't understand why you talk to him in such a judging way. Oo
  14. Niamph

    ban request for italay91

    I'm trying to improve my english reading and writing skills. But reading in this section doesn't help a lot - this is so much repetetive.
  15. Niamph

    ban request for italay91

    So in conclusion all off you have to get banned as the amounts of text here make me unhappy ;(