Search results

  1. drsheep

    The Internet: The New Final Frontier

  2. drsheep

    The Changing Face of Youth Online

    this face :geek: changes to this face :thumbsdown:
  3. drsheep

    Thoughtful, Critical Discussion about Internet Culture

    fake and gay, 1v1 me on shipment
  4. drsheep

    give me bad fanfic ideas

    if its a good enough bad idea I'll write it. Think mash up or stupid scenario. Alright, thanks!
  5. drsheep

    Star Wars IV (as told by someone who's never seen Star Wars)

    ALRIGHT! So Luke Skywalker was just some down on his luck shmoe without a space-penny to his name, living in a modest 2 bedroom apartment in space-detroit, Mos Eisley. With his aunt Beru and his uncle Owen, he makes his way as a feeble dude guy but in space. Suddenly Space-America goes to war...
  6. drsheep

    if you could make a holiday

    alright so a lot of holidays suck biscuit so make your own internet day sleep day dont-give-a-fuck day
  7. drsheep

    Think back one year

    Shiiiiit dude Im fucking booooored so let's converse n shit, entertain me you fuckers alright so think back in the previous year to the biggest decision you've made and talk about how different your life'd be if you had chosen a different option alight GO
  8. drsheep

    The Hedgehog Before Christress 2: 1

    The Hedgehod Before Christtress Two: 1 (part of trilogy) A belated holiday Team Fortress and Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction Should I even put a disclaimer for likely offensiveness? Pshh fuck it. It was christmas honnnuka holiday at the fortress and the team was together celibrating...
  9. drsheep

    BatMan Dark Night: KNight Rises

    A Blackman: a Dark Night fanfiction Bruice Wayne was a affluent billionaire with a thousandmillions of dollars, and he was rich, living in the largest mansion in all of Gotem City. He was a bachelor and wasn't married, single and alone in his big mansion with only the company of his butler...
  10. drsheep

    'Cheer Me Up' Thread

    Of all the threads that I'd like to see go on for several dozen pages and really hit it off, I feel like it ought to be this one. It's simple, anything positive and uplifting should be posted here, and maybe people can one day come to this thread on a rainy day for some good times. Maybe you...
  11. drsheep

    Election Funtimes

    Why my election day will be significantly better than any of yours. How are you guys having fun today?
  12. drsheep

    dentists aren't real doctors

    pass it on.
  13. drsheep

    Ask a sheep!

    This will be better than anyone else's ask thread ever. Of all time.
  14. drsheep

    3D Sound (Cetera Algorithm)

    Seriously, just... jeez fuck me with a subwoofer this is cool Anyone know anything else like this?
  15. drsheep

    Robitussin Hate Thread

    This thread is dedicated to all things hateful of Robitussin Discuss.
  16. drsheep

    Any writers here at Team 9000?

    Be it shortstories, screenplays, or even fanfiction for fuck's sake, if you're a writer or aspire to be one, I wanna know. Yeaaah, I'll count journalism >_>
  17. drsheep

    irrefutable evidence that im ace cool

    bam. suck it nutbars
  18. drsheep

    Hello everyone!

    please dont delete this please dont delete this just this once i mean jeez, when am I not causing trouble hi kiddies im drsheep, new here blah blah show me around please winku
  19. drsheep

    Definitely Not Spam

    fuck the rules ill title this what i want, all y'all fuckers better read this Rainbow Dash, Transform and Roll Out!: Tokyo needs you! A My Little Pony/Transformers (Movie Canon) Fanfiction RD Dash was inside of cloudsdale inside of her house a cloud inside of it she was sleeping when suddenly...
  20. drsheep

    tall dark men and web shooting: a fanfic

    tall dark men and web shooting: a fanfic Slenderman x Spirderman fanfiction: warning horror dont read if you dont want to be SCARIFIED! its like beings scared andf TEARIFIED AT THE SAME TIME One day in New York the City, New York, Spiderman Peter Parker was at the Daley Bagel and speaking to J...