Are you the only person on Team9000 who...?

Does anyone else have sort of like.. half awake/half asleep hallucinations? Like I'll have gone to sleep and then I'll sort of wake up and look somewhere and there will be one spider, then I'll blink and the whole room, my bed, the floor, everything will be covered in spiders, crawling spiders. Or fleas, or one time I had a lion, tiger, and a bear hopping around my ceiling fan (I was like 6). I still haven't met anyone that has the same thing like rly guys.

That's just a form of lucid dreaming, if your consciousness is even remotely present and you begin to realize that you're dreaming it can get really, really weird haha.
Could it be possible to control what you dream so you can basically dream whatever you want?
That's usually why people try to lucid dream, so they can control their dream. I've done it twice, got way out of hand and terrifying the first time (I was sucked into a black hole in space), and the second time I taught myself how to fly and jump really high. So yeah, it is possible.
Could it be possible to control what you dream so you can basically dream whatever you want?

Yeah dude it's totally possible, the brain has -for lack of a better word- a fail-safe though, a lot of the time if you realize you're dreaming you'll wake up, my lucid dreams come through sleep paralysis though so waking up doesn't happen and I can't really help you learn how to do it. There are even forms of meditation not unlike lucid dreaming where you can access an apparent higher consciousness, seemingly an opposite to an outer body experience. Similar to the effects dimethyltriptamine has on the brain.

(Yeah I have spent ages researching this stuff, it shit me up big time until I understood it all haha)
Oh, here's a weird one. After baking cookies, while everyone else prefers them warm and fresh out of the oven, I find they taste better after being given a few days to sit and start to go stale. They may not be warm, but something happens with the sugars over time that my taste buds prefer :confused:
Reviving strictly because I realized I've been here 3 years (a couple of weeks late).

The whole time I've been here I've mostly been called "brant," that name stems from the fact I share my minecraft account with my brother (named Brantley) and the WHOLE TIME (srsly my brother never ONCE chatted in game or on the fourms) you've been talking to the "bren" part (me named Brennan).

Probably going to work on getting my name changed on the fourms since me and my brother don't really share accounts anymore and I have a much better name (imo) that I use for my profiles on practically everything.
Reviving strictly because I realized I've been here 3 years (a couple of weeks late).

The whole time I've been here I've mostly been called "brant," that name stems from the fact I share my minecraft account with my brother (named Brantley) and the WHOLE TIME (srsly my brother never ONCE chatted in game or on the fourms) you've been talking to the "bren" part (me named Brennan).

Probably going to work on getting my name changed on the fourms since me and my brother don't really share accounts anymore and I have a much better name (imo) that I use for my profiles on practically everything.
...I guess it's good I've always just called you brantbren.
Reviving strictly because I realized I've been here 3 years (a couple of weeks late).

The whole time I've been here I've mostly been called "brant," that name stems from the fact I share my minecraft account with my brother (named Brantley) and the WHOLE TIME (srsly my brother never ONCE chatted in game or on the fourms) you've been talking to the "bren" part (me named Brennan).

Probably going to work on getting my name changed on the fourms since me and my brother don't really share accounts anymore and I have a much better name (imo) that I use for my profiles on practically everything.

wow sounds just like me, mine is the names Jacob ryan and ethan but just the first couple initials
I've noticed that When i have nothing to do; (i.e. Internet, music, anything fun or relaxing) even for at least one day, i "lose" all my emotions and become very serious/glazed as in uncaring, but very thoughtful, like i lose purpose when i have nothing to do.

I've also noticed when i think about someone, or something that involves someone, be it good or bad, i always think that they know exactly what i am doing/thinking, and i always think they'll be mad at me for it; even though i know it's impossible.
When I was young I knew a kid called Ethan.
I dunno what was wrong with him, but he very obviously had a mental condition.
He would only communicate through grunts and screams, he had little control over his body, and he shat himself constantly.
I have a vivid memory of watching him eat a plate of creamed corn. He smeared it through his hair, and then he dropped his pants and shoved some up his arse. He then shat himself and then ate the poo / corn mixture. He then wiped his hands and face on the table he was sitting at, and then, making eye contact with me, he screamed.

So whenever I eat corn or hear the name Ethan, I think of a retarded kid eating his own shit.

...just for the record.
Sounds about right.
I personally like VHS more than DVD.

This might stem from the fact my VCR works perfectly and I need to hit the power button about 10 times for my DVD player to work
(I know PC, PS2, PS3, and 360 can all play DVDs but they're not connected to my main TV so shut up)
I actually don't like gaming that much but because I spent my entire life doing it I start playing even if I don't want to.

I guess this is what addiction is
I have a tendency to forget words when I'm talking to someone. When this happens, I will glare off into space with a grimace on my face until I can find the words I am looking for. Said words usually get spat out with annoyance, leading to people staring at me oddly after I hiss out said word.
You and me both, expect I usually start looking around the room for an item that would remind me of the word. Generally, very unsuccessful.
You and me both, expect I usually start looking around the room for an item that would remind me of the word. Generally, very unsuccessful.
I just flat out go "Fuck, what was I talking about?"

Then maybe 5 minutes later in the conversation I'll have remembered and completely interrupt whatever we were talking about with an "OH YEAH" moment.

**not to be confused with giant pitchers of kool-aid crashing through walls. or is it?**