Are you the only person on Team9000 who...?

I have a host of problems associated with sleep... ... ... I get sleep paralysis a lot.
That is definitely a risk with Lucid Dreaming, unfortunately. I've had it explained as an overabundance of a specific chemical in your body that keeps it still and relatively motionless during sleep. If there's too little, you can toss and turn through slumber, sometimes flail and injure yourself during more violent nightmares. Too much... and that's where sleep paralysis comes in. Your mind may be awake, but you cannot move your body.

It is possible to force yourself out of it by breathing deeply; excess oxygen burns through the accumulation pretty well, based on personal experience. However, be prepared to find yourself exhausted from the forced awakening like you never slept that night.
This is the biggest thing that discourages me from attempting to lucid dream.

Because I have a horrifying imagination when in the dark, sleep paralysis sounds like pure hell to me.
Well, for me it happens ususlly when it's already light out so it's not dark at the time. Doesn't stop me from feeling like someone or some-thing- is touching me though.
It's where you wake up and can't move and your mind projects things into real life. It's sort of like a dream your mind projects onto your actual environment and it's so freaking scary.

"Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move. It occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep. During these transitions, you may be unable to move or speak for a few seconds up to a few minutes. Some people may also feel pressure or a sense of choking. Sleep paralysis may leave you feeling frightened, especially if you also see or hear things that aren't really there." - Taken from Web MD.

I've suffered from sleep paralysis for pretty much my whole life (or atleast that which I remember).

Currently on the verge of manipulating what my mind projects/hallucinations/lucid dreams. So far I've managed to sit upright in the sleep-state, and dream up a dancing pink elephant.. yeah no idea why I chose that haha. From what I've read sleep paralysis and lucid dreams are side by side and connections between the two can be made with practice.

Try it next time, try to keep calm, make a connection and realize you are infact conscious and in control. Then just focus your balls off, after a few attempts things start to happen and you don't just see freaky or incomprehensible shit.

Oh, also it is pretty freaking hard to force yourself awake, literally every time it takes upward of 10 attempts. It's hard to explain, but it's as if you force the pressure in your chest and head to grow, by tensing your whole body I guess? And if you do it right, you'll snap awake.

However, be prepared to find yourself exhausted from the forced awakening like you never slept that night.

I get exhausted but in a somewhat different way, if the paralysis comes several times in one night, each time I force myself out of it it gets harder, can only describe it as every time it feels like I have less breathe? Man it's strange and hard to put to words, haha.
I've suffered from sleep paralysis for pretty much my whole life (or atleast that which I remember).

Currently on the verge of manipulating what my mind projects/hallucinations/lucid dreams. So far I've managed to sit upright in the sleep-state, and dream up a dancing pink elephant.. yeah no idea why I chose that haha. From what I've read sleep paralysis and lucid dreams are side by side and connections between the two can be made with practice.

Try it next time, try to keep calm, make a connection and realize you are infact conscious and in control. Then just focus your balls off, after a few attempts things start to happen and you don't just see freaky or incomprehensible shit.

Oh, also it is pretty freaking hard to force yourself awake, literally every time it takes upward of 10 attempts. It's hard to explain, but it's as if you force the pressure in your chest and head to grow, by tensing your whole body I guess? And if you do it right, you'll snap awake.

I get exhausted but in a somewhat different way, if the paralysis comes several times in one night, each time I force myself out of it it gets harder, can only describe it as every time it feels like I have less breathe? Man it's strange and hard to put to words, haha.
This is very helpful to me. I will definitely try this.
I guess I don't really care about temperature, but cold is probably preferable.

I don't however like carbonation. I tend to just have juice, Vitamin Water or.. water, but when I do have soda I try to de-fizz it as much as possible.
I guess I don't really care about temperature, but cold is probably preferable.

I don't however like carbonation. I tend to just have juice, Vitamin Water or.. water, but when I do have soda I try to de-fizz it as much as possible.
I'm the exact opposite, if I recieve something not carbonated, I'll often shake it up to make myself feel better.
I absolutely abhor warm water. Not warm tea or coffee or any other consumable liquids for that matter. Just plain water. It irritates and makes the back of my throat itch. Ice cold water is almost a must for me. Just cold is good too, I'd accept room temperature. But not warm.
I absolutely abhor warm water. Not warm tea or coffee or any other consumable liquids for that matter. Just plain water. It irritates and makes the back of my throat itch. Ice cold water is almost a must for me. Just cold is good too, I'd accept room temperature. But not warm.
I can only drink water if it's flavoured or ice-cold. Warm/room temperature water tastes like metal to me and makes me very sick.
Does anyone else have sort of like.. half awake/half asleep hallucinations? Like I'll have gone to sleep and then I'll sort of wake up and look somewhere and there will be one spider, then I'll blink and the whole room, my bed, the floor, everything will be covered in spiders, crawling spiders. Or fleas, or one time I had a lion, tiger, and a bear hopping around my ceiling fan (I was like 6). I still haven't met anyone that has the same thing like rly guys.
Does anyone else have sort of like.. half awake/half asleep hallucinations? Like I'll have gone to sleep and then I'll sort of wake up and look somewhere and there will be one spider, then I'll blink and the whole room, my bed, the floor, everything will be covered in spiders, crawling spiders. Or fleas, or one time I had a lion, tiger, and a bear hopping around my ceiling fan (I was like 6). I still haven't met anyone that has the same thing like rly guys.

i have that, only, it's of places i've been/experiences.

Case in point: when i half asleep dream or whatever you want to call it, 9/10 times it takes place at work, where i'm still lying down, in my bed, performing my duties at work.
Does anyone else have sort of like.. half awake/half asleep hallucinations? Like I'll have gone to sleep and then I'll sort of wake up and look somewhere and there will be one spider, then I'll blink and the whole room, my bed, the floor, everything will be covered in spiders, crawling spiders. Or fleas, or one time I had a lion, tiger, and a bear hopping around my ceiling fan (I was like 6). I still haven't met anyone that has the same thing like rly guys.

Sounds like a bad trip :eek:

I've had something similar to what Mighty said happen to me once when I was about 7 or 8. I fell asleep at home and, when I woke up, I thought that I was in my grandparents' house. I blinked a few times and realized that wasn't the case.