I'm in school.

The problem is that I've never been to one of the places long enough to learn the language, on my second trip to the Netherlands, I began speaking Dutch, but forgot it after returning to the US, and Thailand and Japan I could hardly begin to understand things.

if you want to learn it again, msg me on skype :thumbsup:
Last year, I did a report on fair trade coffee, and a site with tons of pictures of coffee beans was blocked for pornography.

I asked about it, websites with excess amounts of tan or brown are instantly blocked, because it is too "skinny."
Last year, I did a report on fair trade coffee, and a site with tons of pictures of coffee beans was blocked for pornography.

I asked about it, websites with excess amounts of tan or brown are instantly blocked, because it is too "skinny."
Would that mean you cant look at pictures of pigs?
BlueReef makes me want to shoot myself, it automatically blocked the Minecraft website for "Cartoon violence / pornography"...
Oh bloody BlueReef. That's what's on my school's computers.
Seriously, I can't browse two minutes of legitimate pages without getting some stupid block from BlueReef.

What I don't get is how they don't ban Memebase, considering it's one of the more well-known 'lack of productivity' sites.
Oh bloody BlueReef. That's what's on my school's computers.
Seriously, I can't browse two minutes of legitimate pages without getting some stupid block from BlueReef.

What I don't get is how they don't ban Memebase, considering it's one of the more well-known 'lack of productivity' sites.
My transfer story:

I lived in Saudi Arabia for about half a year. (shocker) I spoke Arabic when I was little. The langauge is still somewhere in the back of my head, but I have largely forgetten how to speak it. My family was planning to stay there for about 6 years, but we had to move back to the US shortly. My sister* has autism, and they lack special needs care other there.

I would be fleunt in Arabic if I didn't move here. No multilingualism for me :unsure:
My transfer story:

I lived in Saudi Arabia for about half a year. (shocker) I spoke Arabic when I was little. The langauge is still somewhere in the back of my head, but I have largely forgetten how to speak it. My family was planning to stay there for about 6 years, but we had to move back to the US shortly. She has autism, and they lack special needs care other there.

I would be fleunt in Arabic if I didn't move here, but we can't all be bilingual.
I have an Arabic name. Amidoinitrite?

And who has autism? You didn't say.