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The Federation: City of Cities

The spire shouldbe designed more like the space needle or another tower like it. Design it with the thoughts of a thin spire leading high up, then it expands into a big disc-shaped room at the top
There really is no need for a military, as the only thing that one will kill is mobs, and if you kill other players through this military, even in the name of protection of cities, is a bannable offense and therefore utterly pointless.

My question to you is, "What are you going to guard against?!"
My question to you is, "What are you going to guard against?!"
There really is no need for a military, as the only thing that one will kill is mobs, and if you kill other players through this military, even in the name of protection of cities, is a bannable offense and therefore utterly pointless.

My question to you is, "What are you going to guard against?!"

You obviously do not remember the Cydonian Empire's Eagle Pass Guard. We would always have a fun time going on expeditions, and occasionally, fighting the Greasers in the PvP arena.

The "Guard" is more a thing for fun with friends, and sport.

However, we WOULD guard against potential griefers. If we heard that say....Vunder was nearby. Since he was clearly a griefer, we would keep him out of town until he was banned.
Can I help build and lead the Federation guard?
I could possibly see this happening, we'll keep you informed.

Run awaaayyyyy!

You obviously do not remember the Cydonian Empire's Eagle Pass Guard. We would always have a fun time going on expeditions, and occasionally, fighting the Greasers in the PvP arena.

The "Guard" is more a thing for fun with friends, and sport.

However, we WOULD guard against potential griefers. If we heard that say....Vunder was nearby. Since he was clearly a griefer, we would keep him out of town until he was banned.
I could see this as a possibility... if Vunder showed up, I would most certainly block him.

In all seriousness, though. It won't work.
OK so this is how I see the current Federation plans, and i think we should sticky it for any new people that come into this thread:
View attachment 75487
That is a perfect representation of the WorldHub. Actually, I'd like to applaud you... That's really good.
If anyone wants to know of the general layout of the WorldHub, look to this. :thumbsup:
That's great. Remember, the area for the Spawn station should be about 3 x 3 chunks. That should be enough room, but we can largen it to 5x5 if needed.
About the WorldHub being in the center of an ocean. The idea is awesome but I think it limits a bit how close a federation town can be. Unless we build it close to a coastline, It loses it's functionality as a rail hub because of the large distances people need to travel to get from their city to the hub. In an ideal setup the towns won't go out of a 1000-2000block radius from the hub, and thus make travel to the hub and other cities a more casual 5minute-max trip to meetup with some friends.
The large distance between sanctum and anyone is what makes me hate the towny system, because it separates friends if you don't go to their town. I really didn't like that, as a lot of people wish to have contact with one another regardless of chosen town.
I do agree with you; the whole aim of WorldHub - moreover, the Federation - is to prevent segregation. However, having the WorldHub in the middle of a sea has many advantages:
1: Being in the middle of the sea would be visually impressive.
2: It would serve as a good indirect form of grief protection, as the long swim out and possibility of drowning would deter griefers, or at least make it incredibly difficult for them to do any real damage.
3: Its isolation would also mean that it would avoid crowding. We want to avoid towns building up around the WorldHub, and its position at sea would make it avoid this. Also, Federated towns could have plenty of room to spread out.

Remember; Federated towns can build wherever they like. However, it's their choice if they want to build closer to WorldHub.
On another note:
I'll be posting a list of all official jobs in the Federation.
Here's a rough draft:

WorldHub Council:

WorldHub Caretaker:

WorldGuard Commander:

Lead Designers

Lead Constructors

Head of Cheese Department

Head of all things regarding TF2
DutchCheese also needs into the council, he was the one who though up the idea of a Hub in general. Plus he has cheesy awesomeness.
What do you think of the idea of a Town of the month? The first winner woul be chosen by the council and from then on the town that last won. A tower in the world hub could be dedicated to it... I actually think someone came up with the idea of a hall of fame previously on another thread but as far as I can see it has not been voiced on this one. (a bit off the current topic:p)
What do you think of the idea of a Town of the month? The first winner woul be chosen by the council and from then on the town that last won. A tower in the world hub could be dedicated to it... I actually think someone came up with the idea of a hall of fame previously on another thread but as far as I can see it has not been voiced on this one. (a bit off the current topic:p)
every council member would vote for his/her own city. umad?