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  1. dmc517

    Hearthstone (It had to happen.)

    I really don't think the game is really imbalanced. Sure it helps to have some of the expert cards that will make your deck stronger,but I was able to get every card I needed for two decks in a week of playing the game. In my opinion the game is decided on how lucky you get with card draw, and...
  2. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    My main one tip of advice for aspiring ranked players is that you shouldn't worry about counter picking if you cant play the champ that is the counter. Example, They just locked Veigar and your mid hasn't picked yet, and you know that Ryze counters Veig. If you are good at ryze and can play him...
  3. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    Promoted because of playing the best champ in league :thumbsup:
  4. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    R.I.P. All for One :(
  5. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    My longest game that I have ever played with any champion
  6. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    Really Io
  7. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

  8. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    On a scale of wining the lottery to Sharknado, how much did this not happen?
  9. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    All I gotta say is, THE FUCK IS BLITZ BUILDING!?
  10. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    Teemo = Satan's offspring
  11. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    I believe it is different for each person based on the champions you have already purchased but, you can check the price in the bundles tab on the store
  12. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    That is a skin but, can only be bought in the "Digital Collector's Pack"
  13. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    He is played AD because of the 20% damage from basic attacks to the back, A guaranteed crit from his Q, and his clone dealing damage based off his AD.
  14. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    So i can hyper carry and not die? (skryter got a penta in this game) This is the replay of the game, you can open it if you have LOL Recorder
  15. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    woo just had a great game. 10/0/1 amazing cho'gath jungle camped my top and i fed off vlad. only later to 1v2 the jungler walking away with a double kill. then 2 people on their team rage quit. we then proceeded to destroy the nexus, all in under 20 min. You might not believe it but this was a...
  16. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    Find a site get get you build for champs better than recommended items. 2 sites are and
  17. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    kinda disappointed that i'm not on the T9k ranked team. If a position is available let me know and ill take it.
  18. dmc517

    Important TF2 request!

    The current server software is not updated to the most recent update. I ask that this can be fixed as soon as possible because im having a tf2 tournament with some school friends this weekend and was counting on Team9000 Launch for it. Thank you for taking your time to read this thread.
  19. dmc517

    so many games to choose from

    so many games to choose from
  20. dmc517

    League of Legends Thread

    Ashe does have an escape just not an ability for it. when running land basic attacks behind you to keep your slow on them. Ps: I need to play a game with you guys sometime so add me. Summoner name Zalhavvak