Are you the only person on Team9000 who...?

I've noticed that whenever i have hard candy (like peppermints or root beer barrels, of whatever) i tend to just bite down on them, snap 'em up in my mouth and chew, but when i have Soft peppermints or any other type of chewy candy, all i want to do is suck on them.

Hooray for being reversed on eating candy :D
I've noticed that whenever i have hard candy (like peppermints or root beer barrels, of whatever) i tend to just bite down on them, snap 'em up in my mouth and chew, but when i have Soft peppermints or any other type of chewy candy, all i want to do is suck on them.

Hooray for being reversed on eating candy :D
Hmm, thats interesting.

Guess its time for me to add my input:

Once when I was on Little League baseball, we were at a pizza place for the banquet, and I unknowingly, ate some kids pizza, he was lactose-intolerant, so he had cheese-less pizza, and me being the little derp I am, ate a few slices of it before realising the point of it...
Im terrible :eek:

EDIT: I still feel terrible for doing it :/
Not sure if anyone mentioned this yet but one of my all time pet peeves is sitting down on a public toilet with a warm seat. It freaks me out.. :cautious:
I know, right? What's worse is when you're walking into a one-stall bathroom, and your eyes make contact with the guy just sit down and the first thing you think is "I can smell your poop."
I know, right? What's worse is when you're walking into a one-stall bathroom, and your eyes make contact with the guy just sit down and the first thing you think is "I can smell your poop."

Or, you walk into a public bathroom, and see noone is in there.

you go about your "business" as you normally would.

Just as you are about done, you hear toilet paper rip from one of the stalls.

Most awkward feeling ever.
I remember going into a bathroom at my school, and go about my usual, when another guy leaves, the guy in the stall lets it go and lets go the sound of bombs... Scarred, for life.
Not sure if anyone mentioned this yet but one of my all time pet peeves is sitting down on a public toilet with a warm seat. It freaks me out.. :cautious:
On principle, I never shit in a public toilet.
Too many germs and STIs.
I hold it in and wait till I get home.
"But Vorsprung-senpai," I hear you say, "What about overnight trips? Surely you shit whilst on holiday."
Easy: shit and then shower. Then you get all the germs off your tasty skin.

Fun Fact: I once spent a week at an army range; no shower, no toilets.
I didn't crap at all.
Got home, walked into the shower and shat all over the floor.
Washed my feet with Axe body wash
Shit was so cash
On principle, I never shit in a public toilet.
Too many germs and STIs.
I hold it in and wait till I get home.
"But Vorsprung-senpai," I hear you say, "What about overnight trips? Surely you shit whilst on holiday."
Easy: shit and then shower. Then you get all the germs off your tasty skin.

Fun Fact: I once spent a week at an army range; no shower, no toilets.
I didn't crap at all.
Got home, walked into the shower and shat all over the floor.
Washed my feet with Axe body wash
Shit was so cash
I guess we have something in common.
Do you mean multiple of 5?
If so, then I totally agree, with the addition that sometimes it is acceptable for the number to not be a multiple of 5 as long as it is an even number.
YES! I did that a lot, too, but after a while, even that annoyed me.
Do you mean multiple of 5?
If so, then I totally agree, with the addition that sometimes it is acceptable for the number to not be a multiple of 5 as long as it is an even number.
But only some even numbers are acceptable! This OCD symptom pisses my gf off to no end.
I'm the same way, to the extreme that if I can't settle on something too loud or too soft that's an "acceptable" number, I'll just turn it off.
0's, 2's, and 8's are okay, but 4's and 6's are replaced with 5's?
If you're close to a zero, you're obliged to go to the zero.
If you're close to a five, you're obliged to go to the five.

So if the volume on the TV was at 33, I'd either turn it down to 32 if it was too loud, or up to 35.
Or maybe down to 30.
C'est la vie
I often fidget with pens, sharpies, markers, pencils. Sometimes I even take them without realizing it. I've emptied my pockets and came up with something I've never seen before. x3
Whenever I go out to eat, I straighten out everything so they're lined up perfectly to my plate.
Last but not least, I *have* to get all my cereal wet before I eat it.